My day started with a visit to my Dr who told me my blood pressure is still up, despite 3 1/2 months now on meds ~ the last lot for 6 weeks. So he wants to do some further investigating. I agree it's up, but nowhere near as high as it was and I know I still have some lifestyle changes I need to make.
I decided to make it a medical type of day and saw my kinesiologist too and she's going to help me try and get it sorted as well.
Apart from all that, the day was a good one and I came home to another delicious dinner that Bob cooked.
Another good day! A productive day at work, followed by a delicious dinner that Bob cooked ~ lamb shanks and roasted veggies ~ then off to art class for a couple of hours.
Today's pic is of my work in progress. It's almost complete, just a few finishing touches to be added now.
Another late post ~ gee I'm getting good at this! Bob hurt his back at work today, so is off for the remainder of the week. He apparently has a muscle spasm happening and was pretty sore and sorry when he got home.
I didn't end up going to my pottery class because it was all a bit late by the time we knew what was going on and Bob was back home again, so we indulged in Chinese food for dinner and watched a particularly bad movie. Well the movie probably wasn't that bad, actually some of the acting was quite good, but it wasn't my cup of tea. The movie in question was Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow and Toni Collette who are two actors I usually enjoy.
Ok, so we're up to another pic. I wonder what I can find for this one? Ah yes, a pic of a little notebook I bought with a warped little message on it. Unfortunately it's not the clearest pic, so may be a little difficult to see clearly which may be a good thing really!
Oh blimey, I'm behind again. And do you think I can remember what I did two days ago? Perhaps old timers is catching up with me!
I did go to work and I had a pretty good day. I made a delicious beef stroganoff for dinner and we watched a dvd before bed but alas, I can't quite remember which one it was. Obviously it made a riveting impression!
I've also not taken any more pics since being on Straddie, so you'll just have to put up with more Straddie pics for now. Today's pic is of some coasters painted by aboriginal artists. Well I think that's about as long as I can string this post out for, so I'll finish up here.
Had another relaxing day today. Bob cooked a yummy breakfast, then we just hung with the boys for the morning. We also went and picked up a few groceries before Bob went off to do a couple of massages in the afternoon. I pottered around, caught up on a picture post, did a few other things and got dinner underway.
My friend Kath joined us for dinner last night, it was good to catch up with her again. Xavier was 5 mths old yesterday, that time has flown. He's a smiley little baby and is now rolling over easily. I also managed to finish the scarf I'd been making for Daniel.
Today's pic is another from The Gorge at Straddie.
What an absolutely fantastic day! We had a day trip to Stradbroke Island and thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. We caught the 8am barge over which takes about 45 minutes. We took a peek in an aboriginal art gallery before taking a wander through the Dunwich cemetry where there are some interesting old graves.
From there we took a peek at Amity, then back to Dunwich to look through this old shop that has everything but the kitchen sink in it! All kinds of weird and wonderful stuff to be found there.
Then we went to Point Lookout where we went on the Gorge Walk. The scenery is fantastic, the colour of the water is gorgeous. We even saw a pod of dolphins playing. It's a place where I could sit for hours.
We eventually wandered back to have some lunch, then indulged in some decadent gelati. Yum! We decided to end our day there and headed back to Dunwich in time to catch the afternoon barge. We ended our night with some dvd's and watched The Reader and Footloose. The Reader was intense but really good.
Ah Friday! Gotta love Fridays, they don't come round fast enough sometimes. I did a little shopping last night (Thurs) which I forgot to mention in yesterday's post and I indulged in a couple of music cd's, so today I've been enjoying the musical talent of Lily Allen and Pink.
Bob bought dinner ~ delicious Thai food. Oh how I love Thai food. The aroma and the taste are just scrumptious. We decided to have an early~ish night seeing as how we have to be up early to catch the vehicle barge tomorrow morning to go to Straddie. We are catching the 8am barge.
Today was a great day and was a day I thoroughly enjoyed! I went into work a little early to finish preparing for a presentation I was doing at a local TAFE college. My session was to go for approximately 90 minutes, so I wanted to make sure I had enough material for it.
It went very well. Better than I hoped for. And the feedback was terrific, so it felt fantastic when I left the auditorium. One of my former tutors said I should be there teaching. Who knows? One day I might!
Checkout the size of this tree. Isn't it magnificent? Makes you feel so tiny when you stand underneath it. The tree is in the cemetry at Dunwich on Stradbroke Island.
Ok, so I am officially well behind! And I don't have pics that I've taken over the last few days, so until I catch up, they will most likely all be ones that I took on a trip to Stradbroke Island yesterday.. which is technically 4 days after the day that this post is about. Have I confused you yet? Probably!
Well, today (as in Wednesday the 22nd) was a good day. A productive and enjoyable day at work, followed by an evening at art class. Can life be any better I ask??
The pic I'm attaching is of the sea foam from when we were on the vehicle ferry going across to Straddie. I love watching the foam, it always looks beautiful.
Good day at work which is always nice. Went back to pottery class tonight after semester break and thoroughly enjoyed the night. I always enjoy the night once I'm there. The traffic was a shocker and I was late but once there it was worth the effort. Brought home a bowl that was fired over the week.
Mum & Dad went back home by coach today. It was quite a long day for them, the coach left Brisbane at 8.30am and didn't arrive in Tamworth until almost 7pm so they'll be very tired tomorrow I imagine.
Had a good but busy day at work today and enjoyed having a quietish night after all the activity of extra people in the house over the last week.
Today it was 11 yrs since my much loved sister in law, Donna, passed away. She would have loved being a great aunt!
We had a quiet day, did a few chores and did some more fishing, before all the boys came over for dinner. The day seemed to go way too fast as Sundays tend to do, but it was a nice day just the same. I also managed to get a few seedlings in the ground but still have some waiting to go in, so hopefully I'll get them in sometime during the week.
Today's pic is of Mum with her two great grandchildren.
Ooops behind again! Life gets a tad busy at times. Saturday was a lovely day ~ took Mum & Dad shopping as they wanted to get a few things and we had bit of a wander at the same time.
We babysat Tiara Saturday afternoon/evening and she was quite the little entertainer. We did the grocery shopping with her and she was being a tiger and growling at everyone who walked past for a while.
Bob took Dad down fishing late in the afternoon ~ he seemed to enjoy that. Dad didn't catch anything but Bob ended up with a couple of squire, our first of the season.
Lisa & Gav came over with Xavier and Gav joined in the fishing! He's become a mad keen fisherman over the last 6-9 mths, so any chance he gets he's out there having a go.
Wow this year is flying! My gorgeous little grandson rolled over for the first time today. Did I mention he also has two teeth now? Cut them both last week. He's too cute and his smile just melts you.
Had a good day today and we had take out for dinner. Mum n Dad love chinese food so we had some of that for dinner. Just had a quiet night afterwards, they go to bed pretty early. Must remember to take some pics this weekend.
It's been 5 years today since Pop passed. In some ways that time has flown and it doesn't seem anywhere near as long. I still miss him a great deal.
It was also my friend Gav's birthday today. I didn't get to speak with him on the phone, rather we seemed to play phone tag all afternoon! Hopefully today.
Had a yuck day otherwise as the headache I got last night hung around for the entire day, so I felt pretty awful and ended up sleeping much of the day. Just what I didn't need, another sick day!
Richie came and picked Zari up, she was better this morning but feeling a little homesick. Hopefully I'll get to spend some time with her again soon.
Will have to add pic later.
Had a good day at work and Zari enjoyed spending the day with Tiara. Unfortunately Zari ended up running a high temp, not unlike Tiara a few days ago here, so brought her home and dosed her up with some Vit c and panadol. She settled and went to sleep then and was feeling much cooler by the time I left to go to my art class.
Speaking of art, I did the finishing touches on my painting and am very happy with it. I've also started the workings for another but ended up leaving class early as I was coming down with a headache too.
Will add a pic later on.
Today seemed to be a long day but a good one just the same. Our new team member came on board at work today, will be good to have another person to take the pressure off. The bonus is I already know her from college and she's lovely, so things should work well.
Zari had the day with Mum & Dad today. They did a little shopping and wombled about home. Zari's looking forward to spending the day with Tiara tomorrow.
Not much else happening so might finish this here.
Dropped Zari at Lisa's for the day on my way to work. She had a great day playing with Xavier! Zari was so tired when I picked her up in the afternoon and Xavier had hardly slept all day, but it seems they both had fun.
Murray also sent a message to say he's thinking about coming down for the weekend to see Mum & Dad while they're here. So we may have an even fuller house!
That's about it for today. Today's pic is one of Jon with Xavier.
We all went out to the art show for a bo peep this morning ~ all the visitors seemed to enjoy their outing. I haven't sold anything in the show this year, but then not much sold this year as in comparison with previous years.
We enjoyed some fish n chips for lunch, Fiona headed off back home early in the afternoon, and the rest of us had bit of a quiet time for a while. I had bit of a nap while Mum & Zari watched Mama Mia and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Gav n Lise came over for dinner but Tiara was still sick so Nick & Jess didn't come tonight and will catch up with us all later in the week.
Xavier was the evening's entertainment of course.

My sister Fiona and her daughter Zari brought our parents up for a visit today. Mum, Dad & Zari are going to stay for a week. Mum looks so frail these days but they both seem to be reasonably well just the same.
Zari & I went and picked up Tiara for the afternoon so she and Zari could have some girly time together. They were very busy for an hour or two, then Tiara fell asleep when they sat down to watch Strawberry Shortcakes. Poor little blossom is unwell and ended up running quite a high temperature. Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon.
Lisa also came over to introduce Xavier to his great grandparents for the first time. They loved him!
My friend Elissa, of the most recent belly cast, had her baby today. A little boy who is gorgeous of course ~ don't yet know any other details but we'll no doubt find out over the next couple of days.
Had a quiet day, stomach still unsettled so another day at home. Will be so glad when it's done!! I'm more than a tad over it now.
Watched the movie Hope Springs tonight, just a light comedy but quite funny in places. That's about it for today. I've finally taken some pics on the camera, some flower pics of course, so will do some catching up. I love sweet peas and my favourite colour is purple, so how fitting that the first blooms are in my favourite colour.
Went to work but still had an upset tum so was sent home again because no one else wants my germs if I'm contagious. The weird thing is I feel just fine between bouts. Ah well, hopefully it settles soon.
We went to visit Jamie last night and take him out for his birthday. He's not doing so well, has just come out of hospital but probably still needs to be back in there. He has some pretty big issues going on for him at the moment.
No pic again today so I'll have some catching up to do soon.
Had bit of a blah day. Still had the tummy bug for much of the day but it finally started to settle late afternoon. Don't like those things much at all.
So had the day at home, didn't do anything rivetingly exciting except nap and inbetween, moved a little furniture around to make room for our new fridge that won't fit in the fridge space!
Well that's about it, nothing really to report on today and don't think I have a pic to add at this stage.
Had a good and productive day at work. Really enjoying being back into the swing of things now we're up and running properly again following our move.
Tonight my friend Kath and I attended the opening of the art show where I have a few creations entered. It was a nice night and we finished up by visiting a friend of Kath's who lives out there, a lovely lady named Rhonda.
The only blah part of the day has been having an upset stomach, I seem to have picked up some type of bug which hopefully disappears sooner rather than later.
Another good day! I'm so enjoying life at the moment. We spent half the weekend poring over travel brochures of Tasmania ~ I can hardly wait for our holidays. I've wondered about doing my tax return online for the past couple of years but wasn't quite game enough. This year I took a leap of faith and had a go at it. It was easier than I expected, all very well explained and set out. So hopefully, I will have a nice little tax refund go into my bank account in a couple of weeks. That will help the holiday along! Might do a little painting tonight when I've finished here. Feeling like a cat on hot bricks, lots coming up but not quite sure where to start, so perhaps painting is as good a place as any. Today's pic is of the painting I've been working on. I think it's finished. Unless I change my mind but at this stage it's done.
We got up early and went to the markets this morning and was able to pic up a poster type pic of Bob Marley for Dan. It was nice to have the wander about. Did a little fishing when we got home but no luck catching anything despite seeing heaps of fish in the water.
I've made a start on a scarf for Daniel, so did a little more on that today. Made a birthday cake for Sarah which we had when the tribe was all here for dinner tonight.
Had plans to do some painting but didn't get quite that far. Got to hear Xavier giggle tonight, that was very cute.
Oh and yesterday, I actually took a lottery ticket and won $33.00!! First time for everything hey.
Had a fun morning doing some planning for our trip to Tasmania. We booked our flights down but haven't booked our travel back home yet. We're thinking of leaving it open, at least at this stage. There seems to be so much we want to see and we're not sure how we'll go time wise. We'd originally planned to have a week or so in Tassie before heading to Melbourne for a few days and then home, but we will just go with the flow instead.
I worked for a few hours this afternoon which made the day go quite quickly, then Bob & I headed out to Vic Pt where I picked up some canvases for half price from Lincraft. Very happy with that!
Bob's son Adam and his fiance Toni came over for dinner tonight. Was nice to see them as always.
Today's pic was actually taken tomorrow night ~ I can get away with saying that seeing as how I'm playing catch up.
Well once again, I've missed a few days. It seems to happen over the weekends when I get distracted with other stuff and forget. Ah well, at least I catch it up again.
Friday was a busy day at work, but we finished a little early as we are to work for a few hours on Saturday.
Just had a quietish night, I thought about going to my former neighbours place for a catch up but was too tired. Bob & I watched the movie Hitch after dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it.
My favourite whale, Migaloo, is back in Qld waters. I would so love to see him someday! This pic of Migaloo isn't one of mine, obviously, but I found it online.
Today was a big day. A very emotional and draining type of day. There was an unexpected change of events in the courthouse today, so now everything has been adjourned until October, so more waiting in limbo.
Talked with my sister this afternoon and she was saying my parents seem closer to working out a date to come visit us. Looks like it may be next weekend. My 7 yo niece also wants to come visit, so we're working that one out too. She wants to hang out with Tiara and Xavier.
A week or two ago our fridge died, so we now have this new fridge thanks to Vinnie (yet another son from a different Mum). It's one Vinnie worked on and is fairly new. It's huge though and won't quite fit where our fridge is meant to go, so we've had to put it else where for the moment until we get things re-arranged a little.
Yep, I missed another day. Had a good day at work but a stressful day in other ways. Dan has a court case coming up tomorrow and it's been complicated at the last minute. So a very messy afternoon really. My dear friend Kath came over and left a little gift under my pillow which was really sweet of her. Today's pic is of Kath's gift.