Oh dear. Hmm what can I say? Time has flown. I'm practising for when I'm away and won't be able to update daily! hehe Ok, so now lets play 'how good is your memory?'
Should I start with today and work backwards? Then at least it will look as though it's in chronological order and following on from my last post.
August 23
Bob painted Jon's old room today before he headed off to do a couple of massages and it's now become my art studio. (My studio seems to move around the house!) Made a chicken curry to put in the fridge for the boys while we're away and I currently have a roast cooking now which reminds me I need to leave this for a minute and put some veggies with it.
August 22
Jon moved more of his gear out today. Bob had a massage this morning and then we had a quiet-ish afternoon. Adam & Toni came over to visit and to tell us they are heading off to Parkes to live in a few weeks time. Got called into work for a little while, picked up a DVD on the way home to watch and enjoyed some steak n veggies for dinner.
August 21
Jon moved out of home today. I'll miss him greatly. You could say he's been with me since birth. He's moving into a lovely place not far from here and is sharing with his mate Lucas, Lucas's brother Clinton and Jon's new girlfriend Sara-Lee.
August 20
hmm what did I do? Had some training in the city today. Did a little shopping after work then booked our travel insurance for our trip. I'm sure there is more, but my memory is starting to struggle.
August 19
Attended my art class tonight which was fun as always. Booked our flights home from Launceston ~ we'll be flying home on my birthday.
August 18
Had pottery tonight. I made a garden type pot and am really happy with the way it came up. Hopefully it will be fired next week so I can glaze it. Also booked our car hire for Tassie tonight.
August 17
Can't think of anything riveting that happened today. But I know Monday came round awful fast and it didn't really feel like we'd had a weekend.
August 16
Tracey's birthday ~ sounds like she had a good celebration last night. Had some lovely Xavier smiles and snuggles this morning which makes up for his crankypants evening last night. Had the boys over for dinner.
August 15
We finally used Bob's gold class cinema tickets and saw The Ugly Truth today. Very funny and thoroughly enjoyed the gold class experience. Went and had a look at the set of Narnia out at Cleveland Point on the way home ~ they start filming at the end of the month. We looked after Xavier tonight and boy oh boy was he cranky! Poor little guy is cutting more teeth. Managed to get him to sleep in the sling for a while but we ended up having to take him to Lisa for a feed because he wouldn't take a bottle. He finally flaked out and slept most of the night.
August 14
Thank Goddess it's Friday! Went for a drive into the city tonight to drop Kath off at a Bravehearts fundraiser. She looked very swish in her cocktail wear.
Had a busy morning at work and ended up with a migraine. Unfortunately I wasn't quite quick enough to take some medication (due to an onsite meeting in the sun) and ended up having to come home to sleep it off. Feeling a little doughy but much better this evening thankfully.
My friend Kath came over this evening, so we (as in Kath, Bob & I) went across the road to the harbourside and had some fish n chips n salad for dinner. Lovely!
I was also spoilt today in a lovely way ~ Bob bought me a beautiful blue topaz ring 10 days ago that had to be resized. We picked it up today and I love the colour!
A good and busy day at work. Came home to a lovely stir fry dinner and then headed out to my art class. Lots of fun as always, did some work on the new painting and it's coming together nicely. I did a practice one over the weekend and made a few mistakes so got some tips for that one. It's much smaller than the one I'm working on in class and will be slightly different, but was good to have a practice at home.
Back to work today after 4 days off ~ cripes, how hard was that!! I'm so ready for a holiday. Only 2 and a half weeks to go....
Went to pottery tonight, did some running repairs on what looked like bit of a disaster with one of my pots. It looks like it may survive after all but it definitely has that organic look about it now. Also made a platter looking thing, so will see how it comes up when it's finished.
Today was our show day holiday for this area so it's been nice to have a long weekend. We had a slow start to the day, well I did but Bob had to go to the Dr's about his back so he was out and about earlier. He's been given another two weeks off work, needless to say his workplace isn't happy.
We decided to go into the city today so Bob could try and sort out his computer problems and I had to kill time at the art shop. I know, life is tough sometimes! Of course, a few things seemed to fall into my basket and I'm looking forward to trying them out.
Hmm so here I am, late again with my posting. We're off to Tasmania in a few weeks, well 2 weeks and 5 days to be precise, and I was planning to post a blog every day to keep up with what we got up too. Here's hoping I keep on top of it! Had a lovely quiet Sunday, just chillaxed at home and did a little grocery shopping. While we were out, we bought Xavier his first fishing rod and a walker that looks like a car. All the boys (and their girls) came over for dinner which is always good. Got a few good pics of the little ones too.
If I remember rightly, today is Princess Beatrice's birthday as she was born at 8.08 or 8.18 on 8.8.88. For some reason I remember obscure things like that. Had a good day today. Chillaxed at home, reshuffled the linen & pantry cupboards and very happy with the results. Couldn't catch a fish if my life depended on it today but that's ok too. We hired a few DVD's out and watched Confessions of a Shopaholic which was very funny and Italian Mambo, also enjoyable. Bob hung another bunch of paintings today, so it gets them up off the floor.
Had what I think may have been the single most disgusting horrid experience of my life on Friday. Driving to work and all of a sudden felt very and uncontrollably ill. That's all I'm going to say about that apart from I turned round and came back home again. Was ill for about half the day and then it all settled again thankfully.
Bob had a physio appointment where he was given the rest of the day off and told he needed another week off. His work is not happy!!
Gav came round with Xavier for a while this afternoon. He's so cute and was busy testing out his new teeth on a rattle. He even managed to scrape some of the paint off it!
Played around with some paint tonight for a while but not really liking what I've come up with so far. Will have to see what I can do with it now.
This pic on here is actually a catch up one and was actually taken a couple of days after the date of this post.
Hmm late posting again. How unusual is that! And of course, now it's Sunday and I'm struggling to remember exactly what happened on Thursday. Anyone would think I was 90 already! hehe
Bob returned to work on Thursday to a not so warm workplace. His workplace is a place with many issues in many areas and is not the most encouraging uplifting place to work. However, it's a job and until something better comes along, it continues to keep him employed.
I dropped into the shops for a while on the way home, went looking for a few things but unsuccessful on all fronts there apart from finding some nice looking salad and sushi for lunch tomorrow at work.
A busy day at work but a frustrating one as well. There seems to be a lot of stupidity functioning in some government agencies. Makes you wonder how some of these people retain jobs, let alone high falutin' jobs.
Went to art class last night and finished off my painting. Very happy with it and have started a similar project as well.
A good day today! Went to pottery class tonight ~ lots of fun as always and came home with a couple of pieces that had been fired.
Monday seems to come round oh so fast! Had a good day at work and came home to a delicious meal that Bob had cooked. Had a phone call from my friend Kath to catch up on the latest happenings and went to bed early.
Ah Sunday. I love Sundays. We decided to have the day at home and instead of doing lots of chores, we just did some laundry and played in the garden for a while. Of course that meant we also had to visit Bunnings which then involved a little more gardening. While we were there, we replaced a couple of outdoor chairs.
I spent some of the afternoon/evening painting which was relaxing and then the boys came over for dinner.
One of my friends, Janet, gave birth to a little boy early yesterday morning. Welcome to the world Darcy.
We also spent a little more time planning for our trip to Tasmania. This time in 4 weeks, we will be there!! But who's counting? hehe
Today's pic is 'I think it's done!'
Saturday went wayyyy too fast. We had a slowish start to the day, then wandered off to do some grocery shopping and get a few others things, home for a while, then visited Gav Lisa & baby Xavier, before going back to the shops to get the things we forgot the first time around. By this time it was late afternoon, so we decided to have a quiet night in and talked a little more about things we'd like to do while in Tassie. Today's pic is of a work in progress.
So here I am once again ~ wayyyyy behind. One day I will surprise myself and stay up to date for more than a few days at a time.
Friday.. hmm, what happened on Friday. I went to work, had a pretty good day, came home and enjoyed Thai food for dinner and we settled in to watch a couple of movies. We saw Bride Wars and My Big Fat Greek Wedding which I loved.