Still stiff and sore today, omg, it's unbelievable how sore one's joints can get! Spent more time at the hospital today, Mum is healing well and will be getting out of hospital tomorrow. It will take 2-3mths before her eye heals completely, but her progress is slow and steady which is good.
Between visits today we went for a walk in the Domain and took a peek in the Art Gallery. Some beautiful work in there. Then we wandered on into the Botanic Gardens where I took some flower pics of course!
Bob left this arvo and will catch a ride back home with work. Well that's about it from me today. Will add a couple of pics from the gardens.

Oops, I missed a day again! So this is yesterday's coming a day late. Yesterday was my dear friend Stu's 50th birthday. Hope you had an awesome day Stu. My much loved and missed sister in law would have turned 47 today. Gosh it's hard to believe it's almost 10 yrs since she passed. Doesn't seem that long in some ways.
So yesterday's report ~ Mum is progressing well. The doctor's are happy with her progress and today she had some laser treatment on some stitches inside her eye that were a little tight. Apparently her eye has become extremely fragile over recent times which is also the reason her lens has started to detach or is dislocated as the eye doctors say. The eye isn't quite as cloudy looking today, although was very uncomfortable and painful after they played around with the laser.
Between visits, Bob & I went down and had brunch at Pancakes on The Rocks. We wandered about a bit, checked out the Contempory Art Museum and took a ferry ride over to Manly. Came back and visited with Mum some more before going back to our digs and collapsing exhausted for a while. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping the last few nights, so Bob had the idea of doing something in the evening so I'd be totally exhausted and sleep.
We had some delicious samosa's before heading off to the nearest monorail station. I'm not a big fan of the monorail but didn't tell him that. He was pretty excited and loved it! We did a complete loop ~ it goes from the city centre to Darling Harbour and back ~ and then stayed on for 2 more stops until we got to the Centrepoint Tower. Yep, you guessed it. Me, who absolutely hates heights went up Centrepoint Tower. By the time we were half way up in the lift, Bob realised what a huge thing this was for me. Poor guy only got to do a quick lap of the tower before I couldn't cope with it anymore. I'd have been happy for him to stay up there, but he came back down with me. So the pics for yesterday's adventures are of the tower in daylight and a pic of me bravely trying to smile while we were up there.

Still feeling very sore, but maybe I am getting fitter with all this walking. Now that would be a bonus! Bob arrived this morning and we went off to visit Mum before catching the train into Circular Quay where we took in the sights. Had a leisurely wander around, enjoying the views and then wandered over to The Rocks. Had a really nice afternoon before going back to see Mum again for a while and meeting her Doctor. Walked back through Hyde Park, even barefoot through some of the grassy area and enjoyed a yummylicious Thai meal for dinner. Well that's about it for now and today's pics are of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.
Felt a bit blah today, haven't been sleeping and am stiff and sore. Oh to be getting older!! Went and visited Mum for a while then had a quiet arvo. Mum is doing well, Dr came round very early to see her today but won't get there until 5pm tomorrow, so hopefully will catch up with him then. The Dr did tell her the op was much more involved than anticipated due to the rapid deterioration, but he's happy with how it all went so that's good.
Need to do some study if I can get my head around it, seems to be bit of a challenge at the moment.
Who'da thunk it huh? In Sydders on a Friday night on my lonesome ~ girlfriends are also away and my mate George is working. Ah well, such is life. Might be good for the study instead. Well enough babbling from me and onto today's piccy post. Hmm what shall it be? Ok, this one is of an older couple doing Tai Chi near St James station.

Today we (as in Mum & I) headed into the eye hospital in time for her 10am admission. She was taken into theatre at 1.30pm for what was supposed to be a 30-45 min operation. They didn't finish the surgery until 5pm as her eye has deteriorated considerably in the last few weeks, so it made things a lot more complicated. Anyways, she's ok and was very happy with the doctor, said they talked her through it all and taught her the proper name of the op as well.
So by the time I saw her and walked back to where I'm staying, it was well after 6pm and I'm bushed! My hip hurts, my left foot is very sore and my calf muscles are screaming. Ah well, tomorrow is another day!
Some friends of my parents went to see Dad today at the respite centre where he's staying for the next 4 weeks. They said he was well and chirpy. He told them he'd been to daycare today but it's not his usual day, so who knows? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. At least he's happy.
Bob got Jamie into his new lodgings today and said he was happy with everything at lunchtime when he spoke with him, so hopefully that all works out well.
Well perhaps now is the time for me to be realistic and realise that completing anymore of my course isn't going to happen. Extremely disappointing, not to mention frustrating and I'm really peeved off with myself for not getting it done, but at the moment, I'm just too weary to concentrate much tonight which only leaves me tomorrow night before Bob gets down here and it sure ain't gonna happen then. I may achieve a little but it won't be anywhere near enough. Cest la vie as they say (if I've spelt that right!).
Todays pics are some I took while wandering and waiting for Mum's surgery to be done. One is of the Sydney tower and another is of a double decker topless or open air type of tourist bus.
Hugemongeous day today. Up very early and out to the airport by 7.15am (which is 6.15am our time), met Mum off the plane and off to the hospital for all the pre op stuff. Got to the hospital at 8.15 and didn't leave until 3.15pm!! What a day. Mum's exhausted and so am I, except she's snoozing n lightly snoring behind me. There was some concern because she hadn't been weaned off her Warfarin medication which can cause big probs during surgery, however, her INR levels are low enough they are hoping it will be ok. She's lost heaps of weight and is now down to 51 kgs. She was even helpful to a young Dr about to sit her final exams. Mum was recommended to this Doc because she was a 'very interesting and unusual case'. This Dr had only very basic info about Mum and then had to do a consult in 20 mins, get as much info as possible plus examine her eyes, then had 5 mins to write up her notes and after we left, would be grilled for another 20-30 mins on the case and her findings. All very interesting.
Got in another big walk this arvo when I went out to get a few things for Mum. My calf muscles are protesting loudly!! I'm a bit bugged because I planned to take some pics and I forgot. Ah well, will have to add them later on.
James was released from hospital today. Nothing sinister going on for him cancer wise thankfully. Clean bill of health in that department, but it seems his problems (hallucinations, paranoia etc) are being caused by drug and alcohol, so he has a referral for that. He's home at our place for tonight and then moves into a lodge tomorrow where he should be well looked after and helped.
Well that's it from me for now. Might add a pic taken over the weekend, one of a spinning girl.
Well for some reason, I can't get the camera to download pics to the laptop, so this will be a photo-less post for the time being.
I arrived in Sydney safe n sound late this afternoon. Had bit of a wander about and managed to find a supermarket, no idea where I went wrong but got back to where I was staying from a different direction to the way I went! I guess the main thing is I found my way back.
James is apparently being kept heavily sedated at present, due to a desire to self harm and also while waiting for further tests. He's had an EEG today but nothing untoward there as far as we know at this stage. Hopefully the MRI will be tomorrow. Bob said Adam & Toni also went up to visit with Adam tonight but he was sleeping while they were there.
Well that's about it from me tonight. Oh, I did enjoy a delicious thai dinner ~ just thought I'd mention that.
Aha, a belated little update. I just figured out how to get the pics.. from the memory card, not the cord doh! So today's pic is taken from my room. Hmm the biggest problem is to find where exactly it downloaded to!!!!!
What a day! Spoke with Mum this evening and she's very anxious about her surgery this week. Dad went into respite today and will stay there until Mum returns from Sydney. I'm yet to finish packing but I'm sure it'll all be done by the time I have to leave for the airport tomorrow.
Bob's son James went to the hospital today for a checkup. He has missed his last two annual post cancer checks (he had germ cell cancer about 14 yrs ago and has been cancer free ever since his treatment finished) and he was also planning to see someone about some mental health issues he was concerned about. However, when he got to explaining what was going on for him, it seems his symptoms are a strong indication that his cancer has returned so he has been admitted to the oncology ward and will be having an MRI tomorrow, along with other tests to see what's happening. Hopefully things aren't as bad as the initial indicators seem to be saying.
Anyways, on a brighter or should I say sillier note, today's pic is of Josh after his girlfriend Sarah tied up his goatee.

Sunday! I love Sundays ~ it always seems like a slow easy day even though sometimes it's not. We went to the little markets at Manly yesterday morning for a while and of course, I took my camera along for the ride. Took a couple of pics of the marina which always looks beautiful. Pottered around at home the rest of the day, did some cooking for the lads this week while I'm away (yeah I know I spoil them) and had all the family over for dinner. Tiara is such a delight and so cute and she loooves the hammock! And Xavier? Well he is still a snuggle bunny.
Quiet day at work, blimey I'm soooo looking forward to some time off even though I know it's going to be stressful with Mum in hospital n all. How warped is that? Swap one load of stress for another? But I can't wait to get away from everything for a bit. I'm sure I'll be able to find some 'me' time in amongst it all. Then come back to moving type stress at work ~ oh the joy of it all. Had a text from Trace today and at least know she's kind of ok, so that's a good thing. Well I don't really have anything constructive to add, so may as well finish this here.
A happy St Patrick's Day to ye all. I started the day doing a photo shoot for my dear friend Kath before work. Came home after work, caught up with some of my lads, then off to pottery. It was the last night for the term and we don't go back until April 20 now. I have 6 pieces waiting to be fired before I can glaze them, so wasn't a lot I could do tonight apart from finishing the glazing on another bowl. Todays pic is of a rose at Kath's place.
Monday again and my last day as Acting Manager for this stint, the boss is back tomorrow. We were supposed to get a humdinger of a storm but it kinda fizzled out. Got a bit of wind at the start and some heavy rain, then it was all over red rover. Can't think of anything else that was riveting today, so will just go on and post my pic of Xavier enjoying my hammock on Sunday night..
Very glad it's Friday! I talked with both my brother and sister today which was nice. Hope to catch up with them a little more soon. Sent out a heap of postcrossing cards today ~ I haven't done any in a while and haven't received any either, so figured it was time to do some catch up. I still have one to go but that person has a wish list and on it, is for a postcard showing the Sydney Opera House. Seeing as how I'll be down there in 10 days time, I figured I'd wait until then. Cooked a yummylicious curry for dinner tonight and there's some left overs for tomorrow too. Bonus! Not sure what today's pic is yet, maybe a man and a baby.

A reasonably productive day today. Kath came over this evening and asked me to take some pics of her. Snapped one she was happy enough with,. but we'll try again sometime over the weekend during daylight hours and see if we can't get something a little au naturele! Am a tad tired tonight, so this is another shorty type post. Today's pic is of.. umm.. let me see. Of the guy who lives further up the canal, leaving in his whalloping big boat on Monday morning (today is Thursday). So dang big he can't turn it around, so he backed it up to the end and around into the intersection and then went forward. Cripes the thing is huge.

Talked with Mum again today ~ I think we're finally almost organised for Sydney. What a mission! Ah well, so long as it all works out. Not much else happening today, cooked a delicious dinner though. Maybe I'll have more to write tomorrow. Today's pic/s are once again from the Crystal Castles.

Didn't sleep wonderfully well last night and was awake at silly o'clock, so decided to make the most of the early start and head into the Chandler markets. Bought some beautiful scented roses, the smell is divine. Kath came over for bit of a visit and to use the computer, so nice to catch up with her. Went in and did some birthday shopping for Gav, plus picked up a noice purple suitcase! Back home to put tonight's roast on, then chilled out for the rest of the afternoon until the family all turned up. A good night as usual, Nick brought his new puppy along too. Today's pics are of Tiara and Mardi being silly with the camera and one of Xavier looking about.
Today is both Lisa & Toni's birthday ~ Lisa is turning 26 and Toni 23. Had a snuggle with my beautiful grandson this afternoon and really looking forward to seeing Tiara with him on Sunday night. She loves him. Today's pic was actually taken tomorrow (oops!) because I didn't do this post on the 6th, rather very early on the 7th. So this pic was taken when we went out in Dan's boat to check his crab pots. It's of Cleveland Point at around 7 am.
Quite-ish day today. Mum received her letter from the hospital confirming her surgery date, so it's all systems go now. Did a little shopping this afternoon and found this cute outfit for the boy.

My accommodation for Sydney is all booked now. I'm accompanying Mum when she has her surgery, so unfortunately, not a holiday break. But I will get to enjoy the beauty of Hyde Park on a daily basis as I walk to the hospital.
Today's is about why it's not a good idea to leave your kayak in the water!
Josh managed to get spiked by a catfish this afternoon, so a little bit of drama there and a trip to the hospital. He had a couple of hours up there in the resus room and was given some anti-venom type medication plus some antibiotics to come home with. They kept his hand in hot water as it was the best thing for pain relief.
Also went to pottery tonight, that was fun as always. Booked my accommodation in Sydney for when Mum has her operation. Hopefully they don't change the dates now! Didn't get round to taking any pics today, so the pic is one taken on Sunday night me and the boy having a snuggle.
Cripes, I'm a day late posting this pic ~ where does the time go? Monday again! Boy oh boy it comes around fast. Not much exciting happening today. Did lots of packing at work ready to move premises next week and took some clients out for dinner. Nice way to end the day. Today's pic was actually taken yesterday when we went paddling ~ I love seeing the reflections in the water when it's still.
Where on earth did the weekend go? It fairly flies! Went up and saw our little munchikin this morning before they came out of hospital. Took Sheila to the airport and dropped in to see Nicks's new baby ~ a staffy pup they've named Bella. Very cute. They are getting things together since moving in and it all looks good. Went and had a passionfruit delight at Fasta Pasta before doing the shopping. Yummo!! Adam & Toni came over later in the afternoon for a visit and then all the boys except Nick n Jess were here for dinner last night, so there was baby snuggles all round.