Hugemongeous day today. Up very early and out to the airport by 7.15am (which is 6.15am our time), met Mum off the plane and off to the hospital for all the pre op stuff. Got to the hospital at 8.15 and didn't leave until 3.15pm!! What a day. Mum's exhausted and so am I, except she's snoozing n lightly snoring behind me. There was some concern because she hadn't been weaned off her Warfarin medication which can cause big probs during surgery, however, her INR levels are low enough they are hoping it will be ok. She's lost heaps of weight and is now down to 51 kgs. She was even helpful to a young Dr about to sit her final exams. Mum was recommended to this Doc because she was a 'very interesting and unusual case'. This Dr had only very basic info about Mum and then had to do a consult in 20 mins, get as much info as possible plus examine her eyes, then had 5 mins to write up her notes and after we left, would be grilled for another 20-30 mins on the case and her findings. All very interesting.
Got in another big walk this arvo when I went out to get a few things for Mum. My calf muscles are protesting loudly!! I'm a bit bugged because I planned to take some pics and I forgot. Ah well, will have to add them later on.
James was released from hospital today. Nothing sinister going on for him cancer wise thankfully. Clean bill of health in that department, but it seems his problems (hallucinations, paranoia etc) are being caused by drug and alcohol, so he has a referral for that. He's home at our place for tonight and then moves into a lodge tomorrow where he should be well looked after and helped.
Well that's it from me for now. Might add a pic taken over the weekend, one of a spinning girl.
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