Ahh Sunday again. I love Sundays but cripes they go fast. I spent the morning playing in the garden and put some seedlings into punnets. Hopefully they all come up. The veggie patch is doing well so far and I noticed 3 little tomatoes on the vine, plus a small cauliflower forming.
We moved all my art stuff into the garage today, so now most of it is set up and in the one place rather than spread through the house. Well there is still some in the house, but the large majority is set up in a useable way in the garage.
And we had a picnic lunch down near the jetty. It was a lovely sunny day and the view was beautiful as always, however, there was a rather fresh cool wind blowing. Cool enough we ended up coming back inside after an hour to warm up again.
Did a little painting in the afternoon, then Gav Lisa n Xavier came over for dinner. Nick Jess n Tiara were heading out elsewhere for dinner so we'll hopefully catch up with them again soon. Well that's about it from me for today.
Well we'd planned to go for a picnic to Coochiemudlo Island today, but it poured rain last night and would have been very wet under foot. We decided to postpone it for another weekend.
Had a phone call from Gav to see how we felt about coming over to watch Xavier while they did some sorting out and cleaning up at their place. So we wandered over there for a few hours. He's such a cutie patootie. Very smiley and lots of fun.
Gav had caught a couple of snapper earlier in the week, so he cooked up some of that for lunch. Delicious!
Came home, chilled out in front of a movie then decided to head out for dinner. We had dinner at the Thai restaurant in Wellington Point ~ scrumptious! We then joined some of the boys and their mates at the first of the farewell get together's for Pommy Josh (one of Jon's best mates) as he's heading back to London on Friday. Was a good night.
Oops, today was Richie's (my brother in law) birthday and I forgot to contact him. Must do that.
Went out and about for a little while this morning, grabbed a few groceries, had a quick visit to Bunnings, came home and watched a movie in the afternoon.
Put together a few cocktail type sticks, along with some cheese sticks and little salami sticks and headed off to Loraine's farewell. It was held at her friend Ann's place in Wynnum. Had a fantastic night! Lots of laughing and lots of fun. Got home just before midnight.
Today's pic is of a painting stuff up before it was painted over.
Today was the first of my days off. Went and saw Loraine mid morning and picked up a table she was giving me. Was nice to spend a little time with her. I also gave her a gorgeously soft scarf that I made as a going away gift. We hope to catch up with her in August when we go to Tassy.
Pottered around and didn't do much in the afternoon. Kath dropped in for a quick cuppa so was nice to see her.
Had an early night.
I've added yet another Sydney pic ~ this guy on the left obviously likes great cars too!
Finished some more packing at work and we're all set for tomorrow's move. I'm off on management suggested stress leave for the next two days, so I'll not be there for this part of our move.
Saw Em's friend Zoe this afternoon, she's lovely as well as helpful. Had a quiet evening. Can't remember what else happened here. Think I was feeling pretty crappy that day so didn't do a great deal.
Tuesday. What happened? Hmm. We did some more packing for the move. Actually, we did quite a lot of packing. Enough that there won't be heaps to do tomorrow.
Boss spoke with me this afternoon, apparently concerned about my stress levels. Has suggested having a little time off and doing some short days for a couple of weeks when I come back.
Had to have my blood pressure checked and it was again quite high. So another change of medication and fingers crossed! Didn't feel up to going to pottery, so bailed on that for the night and will go next Tuesday for the make up class.
Today's pic is another one taken in Sydney.
Hmm I'm now almost a week behind! And my memory is crappy, so these catch up posts may be a little shorter than usual.
Monday was the first day at work without my co-worker. My how quiet it was! I'll miss her greatly. Did some catching up with the boss on her return after a few weeks off work and looked at what was left to be done for the remainder of our move.
Left work a little early to have some kinesiology. I can't remember what else happened that day, so this is it for now.
We had another quiet day, weather was perfect for being a lounge lizard. We watched another couple of movies, Rumour Has It and Monster In Law. MIL is hilarious!
Did a little more cooking, did a bit of painting, finished off a scarf I was making, and Gav n Lisa came for dinner. Considering we had a quiet weekend, the time still went dang fast!
Oops, late again! Looks like we're in for a wet weekend. Did a little cooking today just for the hell of it and made a weetbix slice. Haven't made one of those for many years!
We watched the movie Marley and Me ~ fantastic movie!! I also tried out a casserole in the slow cooker and talk about delicious. It had dumplings to go in, so just finished them in the over but will definitely be making that again.
My co-worker had her last day at work today. I'm going to miss her big time! We get along really well and she's fun to be around. We'll get to catch up with her in Tasmania in August/September, but I'll see her again before she moves.
My brother arrived back from Tamworth this morning and will stay here for a few days before flying back to Cairns. We were supposed to be going down to my sister's place tomorrow for the night, but I'm now on call so can't leave the area and with so much flooding about the place, it may not be the wisest thing to do anyway. My brother may still go, weather permitting, and will take my car.
Had a phone call from Mum to say Dad got out of hospital this evening. That was a huge surprise! They usually keep him in a lot longer but apparently they need the beds, so he's been sent home with some heavy duty antibiotics to carry on with.
Today's pic was taken in Hyde Park. I love wisteria!
Both Bob & I took the day off work to do some cleaning up in the garage. Omg, what a mess lots of water makes. Ended up with a trip to the tip and a much tidier still drying out garage. Burnt some incense in there in an attempt to make it smell a little fresher. Leaving the door open also helps.
Had a take away meal tonight ~ some delicious Chinese food. Received a phone call after dinner to say Dad was in hospital. Apparently he has a raging cellulitis infection in both his legs and his big toe. They expect him to be in hospital for a few days.
I played around with a painting today, not sure if it's finished but I think so.
Wayyyyyy behind this time, so that'll test the memory! I have a handful of pics but some need adjusting and I haven't figured out how to do that on the laptop yet, so I'll eventually get to the photo's. Hopefully in the not too distant future.
Went back to work today. Lots and lots of rain which also means lots and lots of water through our garage. Blech! What a mess. Have cleaned up a little but lots more to do tomorrow.
Had an absolute crappy day today ~ needed some serious 'me' time and wasn't up to seeing anyone or doing anything much at all. Got half way to work then turned round and came home again. Took a mental health day.
Spent much of the day hibernating in my room. Moved a few things around so I could fit my easel in and then spent some time playing with paint for the afternoon. Went to my potter;y class in the evening, but still not really feeling up to company so only stayed an hour. Still managed to throw a couple of bowls together so it wasn't a completed wasted exercise.
Tomorrow is another day!
Missed another day! Boss was back at work today and is happy with our progress on the move. The rest of our move is organised for late next week, so by the end of the month, we should be completely in our new workplace. Had bit of an issue with one of the boys this evening which was a tad irritating to say the least. Made for a crappy evening all round. Today's pic is of the little poncho I made for Tiara.
Felt like crap all day, must have picked up my co-workers cold/flu thingy. Still managed to make a trip to Bunnings and get a couple of tomato plants for my garden.
I finished off the shawl I was knitting, started and finished a poncho for Tiara, put tassels on that as well as tassels on a scarf I made earlier for Bob. Now just have to do the tassels on the shawl. They take forever. I can't believe I'm knitting these days! Not something I ever thought I'd do as I usually don't have the patience for that type of thing.
Had some serious hammock time and later cooked a delicious roast lamb for dinner. It just melted in your mouth! And the smell through the house all arvo was mouth watering. Gav, Lisa & Xavier came over, Nick & Jess were going elsewhere last night, so we'll catch up with them next week, Dan stayed on Straddie and the other guys were here as well. Had some lovely Xavier snuggles and lots of smiles last night. He's such a cutie.
Missy, Jason & Taylor popped in last night too. Haven't seen them in a couple of years so was nice to catch up with them again. Jason is just setting up a salt water tank so wanted some water from our back yard. Taylor has grown heaps, is now 6 yrs old and in Grade 1. She's quite tall and seems to take after her Daddy.
That's about it for today. The pic is of Taylor.
Worked a half day and am knackered. Have been putting furniture together for most of that time. I'd be very happy to not see another flat packed dining room chair with a total of 10 bolts and 11 screws anytime soon. Ah well, tomorrow is another day and I have the day off.
Bob gave me a massage in the afternoon which was great. A few more sore spots than I realised but felt heaps better afterwards. We had a dinner of left overs and then watched a movie ~ Don Juan. Not bad.
Still haven't got the camera organised, so I'll have some work to do here when I've got it all sorted.
I've decided to catch up my pics by posting some from our Sydney trip. This one was taken in around Sydney Harbour.
Poor Bob left here at 4.30am to get my brother to the airport on time for his early morning flight. He'll be knackered tonight by the time he gets home!
Thankfully I slept last night and it made a huge difference, still a little tired but I guess that's to be expected after a few sleepless ones.
Managed to get hit in the nose with a falling curtain rod today. Cripes it hurt! I have a bump and bruise on the bridge of my nose near the top. Brought tears to my eyes it did.
Working tomorrow for a half day, then going to chillax for the rest of the weekend.
Today's pic is one that I took back in March while we were in Sydney. It was taken around The Rocks area.
I'm a day behind again!! My computer died this morning, hence the delay and no pics for now. I'll have to catch them up later.
My brother arrived from Cairns this morning, he's just staying the night before flying down to see our parents for a week. He'll be back next weekend for a few days.
Gav, Lisa & Xavier came over for dinner and Nick came over earlier in the afternoon to catch up with their uncle.
Had a delicious piece of corned beef slow cooked in the crock pot.
After a couple of nights not sleeping, I'm really hoping for some decent sleep tonight.
Well May sure is full of birthdays for our family and today is another one. My father in law would have been 89 today.
Had a massive day today with the first part of our work move going reasonably smoothly. One or two hiccups, but not too major in the grand scheme of things. Feeling absolutely exhausted tonight though, so we had some pizza for dinner.
My brother arrives early tomorrow morning and will just be staying one night before heading down to spend some time with our parents for a week. He'll be back again next Friday.
My friend Kath also dropped in for a while this evening and I caught up with some uber specialicious friends on the phone as well. (Hi PG n Furz!)
Tonight's pic is of the bestest pizza around ~ the New Orleans!
Slept like a log last night and found it really hard to get up this morning. Big day at work and an even bigger one coming up tomorrow as we do the first half of our move into new premises.
Went to pottery tonight and came home with 5 completed pieces. Don't particularly like one of them at all, I wasn't happy with the glaze. Ah well, you win some you lose some. I have another piece that I LOVE the way the inside came up but the outside was yuck, so I've heated it up and put some more glaze on the outside and now it can be re-fired. Hopefully it will fix the outside just nicely.
Got home after pottery to find Bob had bought me some beautiful roses. So today's pic is of them.
Today is Mum's 78th birthday ~ happy birthday Mum, hope you have a wonderful day. May is birthday month, or at least it seems that way, heaps of family & friends birthdays in May!
Had a busy day at work today and it will only get busier over the coming weeks. My co worker Loraine gave notice tonight. She is leaving in a couple of weeks to go and follow her dreams of running a little country pub in Tasmania. The timing is a bit sucky but a fantastic opportunity has dropped into her lap, so she's off. We hope to catch up with her when we visit Tasmania later in the year.
Lisa came over tonight for a while ~ she did my hair while she was here and we had lots of Xavier playtime.
Today was Mother's Day, as well as our friend Iain's birthday. Happy birthday Iain!
Enjoyed a wander at the markets this morning, then Nick Jess & Tiara came over for a visit. Did a little gardening, enjoyed some quality hammock time, did a little cooking, then had our usual Sunday night family dinner. Some of the boys put in and bought me a beautiful necklace for Mother's Day. I don't have a pic of it yet, maybe on tomorrow's post.
Watched the movie To Sir With Love and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've not seen it before, it's always been in the 'one day' pile of things to do.
That's about it for today.
Oops, a little late again! Today would have been my mother in law's 83rd birthday. Time sure goes quickly. She would have dearly loved Tiara and Xavier.
Kath invited me along to a Mother's Day function with RWIN, a local women's networking group which we attended today. Was a nice few hours with a delicious lunch served and came home with a gorgeous rose.
Had a quiet afternoon when I got back, did a heap of laundry and then Bob & I went out for dinner at Sizzler. Haven't been there in yonks and it was yummy as always. We were going to watch a movie but flaked instead.
Maybe tomorrow I'll do some painting!
A busy-ish day at work today ~ felt absolutely whacked by the time I got home. Spoke with Mum and my brother on the phone. Did a little grocery shopping (I know, this is such riveting news isn't it? hehe) and then got some Chinese food for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking dinner tonight. How indulgent!
Nothing much else to say about today, so might finish it here. Took a pic of some tools I want to use over the weekend.
Felt a little better today which is good, still a bit doughy but better than yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be just fine.
I'm testing out my new large slow cooker tonight and I've got a piece of corned beef almost done. I might have to come back and update on what it was like.
Bit of an overcast day today ~ nothing terribly riveting to report so might finish here. Today's pic is of my daughter in law Lisa and baby Xavier.
Oops, I missed another day! Hmm so what happened yesterday. I started some new BP medication yesterday and I don't think it likes me. I had a bright red face and neck for much of the day and felt rather light headed. I'm assured that it should all settle in a couple of days when my body gets used to the meds. I surely hope so!
Ended up only working a half day due to feeling blah, so had a very quiet arvo. Planted a few veggie seedlings late in the day ~ it started raining while I was doing it, so I still have two punnets left to plant.
Cooked a yummy dinner of lemon chicken ~ talk about delicious!
I found this LONG survey on Toni's Blog and thought I'd do it. I'm in the mood to talk about myself :) It's 125 questions!
1) Are you really ready for 125 questions?
2) Was your last relationship a mistake?No. I have 5 awesome sons as a result.
3) Do you believe in God?
That I'm not sure of yet.4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
5) Do you regret it?Nope.6) Have you ever been depressed?
7) Have a best friend?
Yes :)
8) Are you a boy or girl?
9) What is your relationship status?Engaged.10) How do you want to die?
Suddenly and with no pain.
11) What did you last eat?
Subway with an italian herb and cheese sub, teriyaki chicken, salad and sweet onion sauce.
12 & 13) AWOL Ok, lets see what I can come up with for these two.
12) What type of restaurant is your favourite?
13) What was the name of a childhood pet?
A cat called Lucky
14) When was your last non -physical fight?
Whew, a long time ago.
15) Do you have an attitude?
No, I don't think so.
16) Ever been in love?
17) What is your real name?Marika
18) Who gave 18 permission to not be here?
18) What was the name of your kindergarten teacher?
Miss Spears
19) Are you gonna get high later ?
No, never. Ever
20) Another one missing!
20) What was your favourite TV show as a child?
I didn't have one, my parents have never owned a TV.
21) Do you miss someone?
Surely do.
22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
Twirl. Umm have been known to cut on rare occasions
23) Do you tan a lot?
No! Blimey, with my skin I'd be like a lobster. And don't you know those things are incredibly bad for you? As in dangerous even?.24) Do you have any pets?
Yes, a guinea pig named Matilda
25) How exactly are you feeling?
I'm feeling tired but ok!
26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?Yes, lots of time.
27) Ever made out in the bathroom?
Yep, but mainly while in the shower.
28) Would you take any of your exes back?
29) Are you scared of spiders?
I don't particularly like them.
30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?Depends how far we're talking.
31) Do you regret anything in your past?
Not too many regrets, only one really and it's a biggie.
32) What are your plans for this weekend?
Play in the garden, maybe paint and probably do some chores that are screaming to be done.
33) Do you want to have kids?
Already have them.
34) Ever kissed somebody that name starts with an A,B,C,E,H,J,K,L,M,R?
That's a lot of letters to choose from. And yes.
35) Do you type fast?
Yes36) Do you have piercings? How many?
37) Want any more?
38) is missing!
38) If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Probably Canada. Or Italy. Or the Uk or Scotland or Ireland or...
39) Do you miss anyone from your past?
40) What are you craving right now?
41) Ever been to a bonfire party?
42) is lost too!
42) What were your maternal grandparents names?
Alfred & Vera
43) Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes, I used to spend all my spare time riding when I was younger.
44) Kissed someone in a truck?
45) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Not that I'm aware of.
46) Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes, big time.
47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Yes, my former husband but not deliberately. We were having a deep and meaningful.
48) What is going on with these missing 40's?
(48) How old are you now? 45
49) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Yes.50) What should you be doing?Exactly what I'm doing.
51) What's irritating you right now?
My messy house. So why am I here instead of cleaning it up? Because I'm on strike today:)
52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?Nope.
53) Does somebody love you?
54) What is your favorite color?
55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
56) Oh no, another goner!
56) What is your first memory?
My Dad tiling a sunroom. Apparently I was under 2 yrs old when that happened.
57) Do you have trust issues?
Yes I do have some ~ have had my trust broken a few too many times & it makes it that little bit harder each time to trust again. Tried to overcome them which took a very long time and did pretty well with it for a while until it was broken again.
58) Wow at this rate we'll have at least 20 less questions.. maybe I'll go back and add some!
58) First crush?
A guy called Grahame Byrnes
59) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?
I don't think so.
60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? With my Mum.
61) is missing too.. someone is collecting missing numbers
61) Siblings? A brother and a sister
62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?Hard to say ~ probably on occasions. After all, we share 5 children!
63) Last person you cried in front of?
Can't remember.
64) Do you give out second chances too easily?
Yes, way too easily. Even when everything inside me says not to, I still seem to do it. Crazy!
65) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Hum, interesting question. Not sure I have an answer for that one.
66) Is this year the best year of your life?
I hope so!
67) What was your childhood nickname(s)?Red, Muzz and got Rikki when I was in my late teens.
68)Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
69) Do you think you're a good person? Yes, I do.
70) Attention Aisle 9 ~ have you seen 70?
(70) Favourite childhood tradition?
Christmas at my grandparents place. My grandmother always made a plum pudding with coins in it.
71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
said I love you to Bob.
72) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? Who?
I think so.
73) Ok, so that's gotta be more than 10 missing numbers now.
73) What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I went through stages. I wanted to be a mother (but not til I was old), I wanted to be an adopter (I thought that was a word) and adopt homeless children, I wanted to be someone who helps other people although I didn't really know what that entailed, and I wanted to be a plumber much to my parent's horror.
74) Have you ever been out of state?
75) Do you play the Wii?
Never played it!
76) Are you listening to music right now?
77) Do you like Chinese food?
78) Do you know your fathers b- day?
October 22nd.
79) Are you afraid of the dark?
Sort of. I don't like being outside in the dark if I don't know where I am.
80) Is cheating ever okay?
81) Are you mean?No
82) Can you keep white shoes clean?
Nope83) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?
84) Do you believe in true love?
Not sure, I think so
85) Are you proud of the person you've become?
86 & 87) Now they're leaving in pairs!!!
86) Did you play sport as a child?
I played hockey very badly in highschool and for a while after I left.
87) Were there any other sports you enjoyed?
Horse riding, swimming, horse riding, roller skating, horse riding.
88) Do you like the weather outside?
89) Are you currently bored?
90) Do you wanna get married?
91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Ha, I never thought I'd like being called baby or calling someone baby, but I've changed my tune and gotten used to it.
92) Are you hungry?
93) Do you have a bank account?
Yes94) What makes you happy?
Playing with Tiara & Xavier, painting, reading, gardening
95) Would you change your name?
96) Ever been to Alaska?
97) has wandered off
98) Do you watch the news?
99) What' s your zodiac sign?Virgo
100) Do you like Subway?
101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Not at all.
102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Well, my best friend of the opposite sex is Bob, so I wouldn't be surprised.
103) Do you talk like you're friends?
104) What happened to 104?
104) What was the last thing you cooked?
Corned beef with mashed potato, steamed carrots, peas and corn on the cob, served with white sauce.
105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Yes, it was someone I didn't care to see any more.
106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self?
107) Who is the last guy you talked to?
My son.
108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
109) Another one bites the dust!
109) What was your first job?
Babysitting and later office work.
110) What's going on between you and your best friend?
I have a couple of besties ~ one lives interstate and the other is a suburb away. 111) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
112) Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
113) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos?
Not so much
114) What do you wear more: jeans, sweats, or shorts?Jeans.
115) Can you name your best friends?
Yes, why wouldn't I be able to?
116) Where do you go if you are butt naked and locked out of your house? What if I'm buck naked?
I wouldn't be naked outside of my house at all. Ever. So I'd never have this problem.
117) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?Morning, otherwise my hair looks very interesting.
118) Have you ever said you'd never love again?
119) Do you want to please everyone?Not any more. I used to always put everyone else first before me even if it was to my own detriment, still do to some extent but not as bad at it as I used to be. 120) Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Hmm, no
121) Has someone ever made you a promise & broken it?
Yes, lots of times.
122) Are you alone?
Not really, there are 3 sons and a girlfriend in the house.
123) Do you have any older siblings?
124) Did you speak to your father today?
125) How many months until your birthday?
Ok, I might come back later and try to fill in the gaps! The missing questions are in orange :)
Today was Bob's birthday. We had bit of a birthday dinner last night with a cake n all, and his son & fiance` came over tonight for a visit.
Back to work today after the long weekend ~ it fairly flew as time seems to do. Picked up some bags of soil at Bunnings so we can finish preparing the veggie patch.
Went to pottery and although a heap of stuff had been fired that day, the kiln was still too hot to open, so I'll have to be patient for another week.
That's about it from me and today's pic is of Bob's birthday cake with our 'traditional' way of using candles.. you have to add the numbers up to get the right number!
Today is the last day of the long weekend (our labour day weekend) and cripes it's flown. I know I constantly say that, but sheesh, how bad is it when you have a 3 day weekend and you're still saying it!!
Was great waking up and being able to have a Xavier fix this morning. Gav & Lisa had brekky with us before heading home. We had a quiet cruisey day, spent some of it in the hammock, did a little cooking and perused the garden.
Had all the boys over for dinner tonight instead of our usual Sunday night last night and we did the cake thing for Bob's birthday tomorrow.
Tiara is talking up a storm and was busy telling us all about their weekend at Straddie. She got me to lie in the hammock so she could give me a swing ~ a really fast swing. She's funny.
Today's pic is of Tiara reading Xavier a story.
Jon had a not so nice experience last night. A young guy was murdered on the dance floor during the night and the place was shut down. Jon had walked past straight after it happened, saw the guy on the floor and a small pool of blood with just a few people around him. By the time he got to the other side of the floor, there were people being told to get back by staff and next thing the DJ is announcing the place was closed. Not sure of entire details as yet, but it seems the young guy was knifed while dancing. Jon was pretty shaken up by the whole thing. Scary stuff and you have to feel for the guy's family.
Bob & I wandered off to the markets this morning and picked up some fresh veggies, olive oil based soap and a bunch of roses. Pottered around for the next few hours, then Gav & Lisa dropped Xavier off to spend the afternoon/evening with us while they attended a wedding. Xavier had his cranky pants on for a while but eventually settled for the night.
Gav n Lisa were late home from the wedding, had a great time, and Gav had had an awesome time! and was a little sleepy. So much so that it was incredibly difficult to get him out of the car to move the seat forward to put baby in his seat. So it was decided that they'd stay here the night.
Did you know that today is Buddah's Birthday? Apparently it is and they were celebrating it over 3 days at Southbank, so we decided to wander into town and take a look see (after a pit stop at Bunnings first).
A nice morning, lots to see & some delicious food to sample. An old guy even wrote my name in Chinese for me.
Came home and played around with some plants for a while. Had a nice quiet afternoon as Josh & Sarah, Dan & Sid had all gone down to Nimbin for the night and Jon was off socialising with mates. We settled in with a movie and a scrumptious Caper's pizza New Orleans style. Yummo!
Hmm, so the problem with missing a few days is that it becomes difficult to recall exactly what happened 3 days ago! And let's face it, my memory is practising for the dementia days.
Well I know I went to work on Friday and my boss finished up for 2 weeks hols leaving me as acting manager for the next two weeks. Our new workplace is finally finished!!! yay team! and the official handover was today, but we won't actually get the keys until mid next week because there are a couple of little things yet to be done. So in the coming weeks, we will be moving and that will no doubt keep us rather busy.
I can't think of anything else for today, so that's it for this one. Today's pic is of some supplies that I found up at Mt Tamborine the other week.
Nothing riveting to report today. I did get my last assignment in the mail though ~ that was exciting!
Decided to do a little grocery shopping after work, then later in the evening decided to go and see if there were any of the larger style crockpots still on special. I managed to find the last one (of the on sale ones) at Big W. I use the small one I have a lot and it's great for just the usual 5-6 of us at home on weeknights, but the big one will be great for Sunday nights when we have everyone here.
That's about it from me today.