Felt like crap all day, must have picked up my co-workers cold/flu thingy. Still managed to make a trip to Bunnings and get a couple of tomato plants for my garden.
I finished off the shawl I was knitting, started and finished a poncho for Tiara, put tassels on that as well as tassels on a scarf I made earlier for Bob. Now just have to do the tassels on the shawl. They take forever. I can't believe I'm knitting these days! Not something I ever thought I'd do as I usually don't have the patience for that type of thing.
Had some serious hammock time and later cooked a delicious roast lamb for dinner. It just melted in your mouth! And the smell through the house all arvo was mouth watering. Gav, Lisa & Xavier came over, Nick & Jess were going elsewhere last night, so we'll catch up with them next week, Dan stayed on Straddie and the other guys were here as well. Had some lovely Xavier snuggles and lots of smiles last night. He's such a cutie.
Missy, Jason & Taylor popped in last night too. Haven't seen them in a couple of years so was nice to catch up with them again. Jason is just setting up a salt water tank so wanted some water from our back yard. Taylor has grown heaps, is now 6 yrs old and in Grade 1. She's quite tall and seems to take after her Daddy.
That's about it for today. The pic is of Taylor.
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