Very behind in my postings once again. The week before our holidays was busy and I didn't spend much time on the computer so now we have a massive catch up. I'm going to put all that first week into one post, then our holidays on individual posts. I'll just add one pic for this post though.
Saturday 22 August
We planned to get up early this morning and paddle out to see the film set, but when we got to where we were going to paddle out from, the weather was yuck and the water was too choppy so we gave it a miss. Did a little shopping today and some chores that I wanted to get done before going on holidays. Bob did a massage this morning and in the afternoon we went for bit of a paddle. Adam & Toni came over to visit a bit later before I was called into work for a little while. We had a quiet evening afterwards and watched the movie Rails & Ties which was really good.
Sunday 23 August
Bob painted the wall in Jon’s old room this morning. It’s still green just much less brutal than it was before. It actually looks nice now and lightens the room a lot. Bob had a couple of massages to do mid morning, so after he left, I moved my table and art gear back inside and into Jon’s old room which is now my art room. I went out to get a few things that I forgot yesterday at the shops and dropped in to see how Jon’s settling in to his new digs. Bob & I went out for another paddle this afternoon and then enjoyed a quiet dinner with just two of the boys & their girlfriends.
Monday 24 August
Monday comes way too fast. Another busy day at work ~ not much else happening today other than work work work.
Tuesday 25 August
I had an early start at work this morning which meant an early finish, so I went and visited my friend Kath for a while before heading off to my pottery class. Glazed a couple of pieces and then headed home, so it was an earlier night than usual.
Wednesday 26 August
Jon has apparently got two piercings in his bottom lip. Can’t say I’m overly impressed but I guess it’s his body. I see it as body mutilation where as he sees it as body art. Feeling like I’m coming down with a cold today and had a yuck day as in I haven’t been able to keep anything down today. I went to my art class which was fun as always and learnt a few more tricks of the trade.
Thursday 27 August
Today would have been my grandmother’s 99th birthday had she still been with us. Felt like crap today and ended up having the day off work. This silly cold has gotten a good hold of me. Just what I need when we’re two days from going on holidays. We had dinner at Nick n Jess’s place tonight, so was nice not to have to cook.
Friday 28 August
Still feeling crap so ended up having another day off which is a pain in the butt because I don’t have the leave available. The only upside is that it gave me a little more time to get packed and organized for our trip. Bob had today off work, so was able to help me out. We decided to go for a little paddle in the afternoon because I felt like some fresh air and sunshine. Adam & Toni also came round to say their goodbye’s before leaving for Parkes. They will have left by the time we get home.
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