Gosh, where did the weekend go?? It seems to go faster and faster every weekend.
Today I went for a longer paddle than usual. I've been really good this last week and have gone out every day. I decided to paddle out to Cleveland Point ~ boy oh boy is that a long way when you're not used to going that far. Probably would be more fun to do with company than on your own though.
Bob met me out there when I arrived and helped me get the kayak out of the water, then told me by the way, we're locked in. Turns out the area is still blocked off after filming finished on the Narnia movie and it's now considered a construction zone while they put everything back how it was. Apparently the 100 m exclusion zone is still in force. Oops!! A security guard had to let us out and he gave us bit of a lecture while he did so. At least he wasn't too grumpy about it.
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