Thursday, April 29, 2010
A 2nd Thursday, 29 April 2010 post!!
Good grief, what on earth is going on here? Normally I can't manage to string two posts together on consecutive days, let alone two in one day!! Must be a full moon or something. Umm actually, I do believe it is a full moon, if not today then tomorrow if I remember rightly. Well perhaps that has something to do with it.
So the reason for this unexpected second post of the day? No major reason, a little insomnia to dislodge and I thought sitting up writing may help. I actually had a marginally productive day today, which is great considering I was home on sick leave (see previous post for way too much information on the reasons behind my sick leave).
If you happened to read my earlier long winded post, an Ernest post as a dear friend of mine might say, you would have read that I was planning a de-cluttering attempt near my desk area. I have to say I was successful in that endeavour. One small step for Marika and one big step for.... hmm, doesn't sound quite right does it?
It has, however, made me realise that my vision of completing an entire room in a single day might be a little more of a challenge than I'm up for, so I need to reframe that little vision of mine and perhaps look at something a little more realistic. Perhaps aim for certain parts of a room and maybe aim to complete a room within a time frame - a week or a fortnight or a month, depending on how much there is to be done.
I can be quite pernickety you know and quite ruthless when the mood finds me to declutter. All of this takes time too, I need to be sure I truly want what I'm deciding to keep and once I am, the remainder is gone! I guess that's the aim though isn't it?
Seeing as clutter is one of my least favourite things, yet one of the things I'm so good at accumulating, especially when living in house full of people which sounds kind of whacky as you'd think it would be the other way around, then it can become rather a chore this decluttering thing. One of those chores you continually put off for another day, as I've been doing for a number of months. I have no excuse now though as the summer is gone and the weather is slowly cooling, making it much more pleasant for doing these kind of chores. Well any kind of chores really. Summer and I do not get along, but that's a whole other story.
Earlier, while I was unsuccessfully trying to sleep, I was thinking about my friends. I read some beautiful posts today about a friend who died recently. These posts were all written by one of her close friends and were kind of a memory lane of their friendship. It was beautiful, poignant, heartbreaking, and inspiring. Inspiring in a way that makes me really treasure my friendships, which I've always done but this just reached me on another level.
And it made me remember some things I hadn't thought of in a while about a particular friend of mine that I met a few years back. We've been online friends for around 5 yrs and we've spent time together just once, but it was definitely memorable. He thinks the only thing I remember about my visit was the graveyards we visited. He continued my love of graveyards and reading headstones.. sigh. But no, that's not the only thing I remember.
I stayed in a motel for the first night of my trip as he was commuting for work and we had to drive the next afternoon to get to his place. He came in to where I was staying that night and brought me chocolates. I don't think anyone has done that for me before. And they were one of my favourites, so that definitely put him on the Christmas list!
He took me out for dinner, to some type of asian restaurant. I can't remember exactly where or what it was, although I do have a vague recall of it being in a street on a slight hill. We had some steamboat type of dish, something I've never had before but it was delicious. Talked and talked, he went to the bathroom, then later I went to the bathroom.
When I came back to the table, he says, are you ready? Lets go. So I'm not moving real fast thinking we were about to pay for our meal and he suddenly says quietly, c'mon, lets get out of here! And he kinda nods his head towards the door. As we get out the door, he starts running and says c'mon, hurry up and I'm trying to say.. but what about paying? And he's still running and laughing.. and I eventually realised that no one had seemed at all perturbed, no one was chasing us, and I was the only one concerned. He'd obviously paid while I was in the bathroom but boy did he put the wind up my sails for a moment there. I grin whenever I think about that still!
We also went to a little local pub one night, actually a couple of times but the first time we were there and were just yabbering on about all kinds of weird things and I don't know how but somehow we started talking about geology. Now anyone who knows me, knows I'm geographically challenged at times and once you start talking geology and rock formations, then I'm completely lost. But we had this in depth discussion on geology, by the time we left I could even remember a tiny amount of it, however, if he were to ask me now? Jeepers, I'd have to do a quick google search in attempt to get my facts straight!!
Ok, so I'm rambling and it's probably time to finish this post. Who knows? I might share more about some of my friendships during my blog. Reading the posts about Amy today made me want to preserve those memories somewhere, even if it's in an online blog, just in case my memory totally deserts me someday. I guess then I'd be unable to recall the blog anyway but perhaps someone else may enjoy it.
Not sure what pic I can add to this post, unfortunately I don't have any pics of my friend and I but I may be able to rustle up one from somewhere on my trip down there.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Well the rest of the long weekend was relaxing and uneventful, until Monday night, just after serving up dinner for my family, when I was hit with a bout of gastro which saw me spend much of the night in the relative safety of my bathroom, sitting on the toilet with a bucket on my knees! Such a delightful image that conjures up, but boy oh boy, was it a nasty little bug. It is now Thursday and I'm still off work, although I am much better today than I have been thankfully and I will definitely be going into work tomorrow. I thought I was today but my stomach had other plans. I've informed my stomach what it could do with those plans and so far, it seems to be heeding my warning.
Needless to say, nothing much else has happened this week. I wasn't well enough to attend my art class last night, although I did complete a 'repeat' painting over the weekend. I loved the one I did as a gift for my friend's wedding earlier this month, so I painted another for myself. So that could be today's pic.
I know I was recently thinking and talking about writing my story, but right after thinking and then deciding to actually do something about it, Bob decided to pick up the threads of his book idea again which has lain dormant for over 2 years and I got involved in putting together bit of a memory jogger for him. Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm, I also managed to stir up a hornet's nest. So while the hornets have been soothed somewhat, my involvement with his book writing is now firmly at an end and I wish him all the best on his book journey. He has plenty of material to work with, that's for sure.
As to mine? Well who knows? The ideas are still there and one day, I may regain my enthusiasm for doing something about it. I'm feeling as though I need to do things for me at the moment and in doing so, not feel I'm somehow in competition with others doing similar things. Obviously the time isn't right for me just yet and I'm sure when that time comes, the opportunity will present itself. Let's hope I'm listening and hear the message!!
The other project I've had in mind is sifting through the clutter. I've made a wee small start on that this morning and sifted through much paperwork and gatherings that were about the desk in my bedroom. I know, the bedroom is not the place for a desk, I totally agree but we seem to be pressed for space here at the moment and here is where a small desk fits, so here is where it lives at this point in time. There are good things and bad things about that though. Good is when I want to shut myself off and write as I'm doing here, I can do so without being interrupted usually. The bad is it makes it harder to switch off at night. I guess it's all about balance really and I know I need some more of that in my life at the moment.
Well this has proven to be a very long and reflective type of post. If you by some obscure chance, happen to be reading and you've actually made it to the end, then I thank you and I hope my writing has been at least mildly entertaining or amusing or even thought provoking.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Today is Anzac Day, one of those days that carries different emotional ties for different people. I haven't attended a service so far today and don't plan to this year, but it is in my thoughts and in my heart and I will go to the local memorial later in the date to have a look at the wreaths. I always enjoy the dawn service if I'm going to attend, something very beautiful and heartfelt about it. I have such mixed feelings about Anzac Day, I honour our forefathers and the young men and women who have represented our country in the most recent wars. I strongly believe they should be honoured for putting their lives on the line. However, I don't believe in war or in glorifying war, so it brings a mixed feeling about it.
In other goings on ~life is moving right along. Had a couple of yuck days but that's life isn't it? So we keep on keeping on and try to keep our heads up. This weekend is a long weekend, so gives time to take a breather and refresh. I might even make some Anzac biscuits today! I also plan to do bit of a clean up around the yard and at some stage between today and tomorrow, will do some painting.
Well that's about it from me for now. I will be back later if I think of anymore to add, otherwise I'll be back another day!
Today's pic is of one cheeky lovable little boy!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tuesday, April 20th 2010
Have had some of those whacky mixed up few days where you feel all over the place. The past couple of months have held lots of emotional turmoil in one way or another. Anyways, I decided on my way home from work that it was a good day to stop and hire a dvd to watch tonight as distraction can be a good thing.
So I found one with Uma Thurman and an actor I've seen before in something, not sure what but it would be another movie because I don't watch tv. This guy has dimples you could drown in and there's just something about him that really does it for me. So move on over Richard Gere, Colin Firth, George Clooney and Mathew McConaghy - Jeffrey Dean Morgan is coming on through!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday 18 April 2010
So it's Sunday evening and I'm here wondering where on earth does the time go? Although when I stop and think about the things I've done this weekend, it has been enjoyable. The weekend started off on Friday night looking after my beautiful grandchildren, Tiara and Xavier. Tiara had a sleepover and Xavier just stayed for a few hours.
Saturday morning we did a little shopping with Tiara before her parents came to pick her up, then we headed back out to get some salt for the pool and a few seedlings. Had a brief nap in the afternoon, went out for a quick birthday drink for Jon's girlfriend's birthday and then settled in to watch Mao's Last Dancer. What a fantastic movie - I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Had a slow start today, enjoyed a sleep in which almost never happens, a lazy breakfast before deciding I felt like cooking today. A zuchini slice, a sticky date pudding for tonight's dessert, some chocolate chip cookies and some brownies before putting a leg of lamb and some veggies on to roast. Played around with the pottery bells I made but I have them strung too far apart and they are heavier than anticipated, so I need to start over on that little project.
I'd planned to do some painting but didn't quite get there so perhaps tomorrow night. And that was my weekend. Still no progress on the decluttering, which I must seriously do something about deciding where to start - I do kind of have a thought or plan of how to go about it, so I guess that's a start isn't it? And no progress on the writing either.
Today's pic is my absolute favourite of my Tasmanian pics. It was taken at a lookout point between Strahan and Queenstown.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 13th 2010.
Wow, here I am two days running - I'm on bit of a roll don't you think?
This glorious photo is of Lake Rosebury in Tasmania. So many beautiful places to see down there and feel at peace.
The big boat that lives in our part of the canal left this morning. He seems to go away for 6 months of the year, following the warmer weather I imagine. The boat is big enough that it's quite an exercise to back it up the canal and turn at the end so it can go straight again. It's a rather majestic sight.
It kind of reminds me about how life continually moves on, sometimes we need to move one way, then another, turn around, before sailing on.
I sometimes have days where I feel life is sailing on by, leaving me behind. There is so much I want to do and achieve in this life, and I'm so aware of time passing that I'm fearful I will run out of time to follow my dreams.
I know there is an affordability factor to some of these things too, but a lot of it is getting bogged down in day to day life and putting off the things we really want to do. Perhaps it's time I started addressing some of those things.
Well that's it from me for today - a deep and meaningful start to the day. If you're reading this, I hope your day is a good one.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, April 12th 2010
Two posts in a week, that's got to be a good start! I've been contemplating blogs on other topics as I mentioned last time, but would that be manageable? Or should I keep it all here? Decisions decisions.
In the two years I've been in this house, it seems to have become more and more cluttered which just about drives me nuts. Probably something to do with the fact we've had 5 households move into one! Anyways, I don't like clutter at all yet I seem to be surrounded by it. I would like to sort and turf. Well perhaps even sell some unused, unwanted stuff, but most of all I want it to not be here.
My dilemma is that it's at overwhelming proportions. Possibly because not all of the stuff in this house is mine. But I find it all overwhelming because I'm unable to get to some of my gear easily which makes it that little harder to sort. So to do this would be bit of a mission and I'm thinking I may need to start by tackling one room at a time, starting with my bedroom and then doing the common areas of the house before ending up in the garage which is the stuff nightmares are made of.
So the de-cluttering is one line of thought for a blog. The other is writing a book. I've had one book part written for a few years now and haven't added anything for at least 6 yrs. I have another small one I wrote in that time that I sent off to one publisher and got a 'good' rejection letter (it's funny how they are kind of graded isn't it?). I think with some tweaking, it might be worth while sending out again so that's another project in it's self.
But the one that's been really playing on my mind of late, is a story that's been simmering away the last 5-6 years. I want to use some of my experiences as a springboard for a fiction. I knew it was a story I wasn't ready to write for quite a while and I think the readiness to write it, is almost here. It's been on my mind a lot lately. Characters, names, scenes are popping into my head and I need to jot them down.
And there we have it. Two blog possibilities - Decluttering and Writing up a Storm - or something like that. Would it be too much to have more than one blog on the go? Will that mean I'm spending all my time writing on blogs rather than book writing? Or can the blog writing be helpful with the book?
So back to the purpose of this particular blog - a photo a day. A photo journal if you will. We looked after my grandson Xavier this weekend. He's walking now, is ever so cute and has the cheekiest little grin. Today's pic is Xavier. It's not the clearest pic ever but you can get my drift on the cheeky grin.
Friday, April 9, 2010
April 9th
Well it has been a while! Almost 5 months to be exact. Not sure whether to continue this as a daily post or what. I've been thinking about blogging on a totally different scale, but perhaps I need a separate blog for that rather than this one which is primarily about taking a photo a day.
So in view of the photo a day, I'll add a pic that was taken in Tasmania when I was visiting last week. This pic was taken in Strahan on the west coast.
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