Well the rest of the long weekend was relaxing and uneventful, until Monday night, just after serving up dinner for my family, when I was hit with a bout of gastro which saw me spend much of the night in the relative safety of my bathroom, sitting on the toilet with a bucket on my knees! Such a delightful image that conjures up, but boy oh boy, was it a nasty little bug. It is now Thursday and I'm still off work, although I am much better today than I have been thankfully and I will definitely be going into work tomorrow. I thought I was today but my stomach had other plans. I've informed my stomach what it could do with those plans and so far, it seems to be heeding my warning.
Needless to say, nothing much else has happened this week. I wasn't well enough to attend my art class last night, although I did complete a 'repeat' painting over the weekend. I loved the one I did as a gift for my friend's wedding earlier this month, so I painted another for myself. So that could be today's pic.
I know I was recently thinking and talking about writing my story, but right after thinking and then deciding to actually do something about it, Bob decided to pick up the threads of his book idea again which has lain dormant for over 2 years and I got involved in putting together bit of a memory jogger for him. Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm, I also managed to stir up a hornet's nest. So while the hornets have been soothed somewhat, my involvement with his book writing is now firmly at an end and I wish him all the best on his book journey. He has plenty of material to work with, that's for sure.
As to mine? Well who knows? The ideas are still there and one day, I may regain my enthusiasm for doing something about it. I'm feeling as though I need to do things for me at the moment and in doing so, not feel I'm somehow in competition with others doing similar things. Obviously the time isn't right for me just yet and I'm sure when that time comes, the opportunity will present itself. Let's hope I'm listening and hear the message!!
The other project I've had in mind is sifting through the clutter. I've made a wee small start on that this morning and sifted through much paperwork and gatherings that were about the desk in my bedroom. I know, the bedroom is not the place for a desk, I totally agree but we seem to be pressed for space here at the moment and here is where a small desk fits, so here is where it lives at this point in time. There are good things and bad things about that though. Good is when I want to shut myself off and write as I'm doing here, I can do so without being interrupted usually. The bad is it makes it harder to switch off at night. I guess it's all about balance really and I know I need some more of that in my life at the moment.
Well this has proven to be a very long and reflective type of post. If you by some obscure chance, happen to be reading and you've actually made it to the end, then I thank you and I hope my writing has been at least mildly entertaining or amusing or even thought provoking.
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