I did think about posting yesterday, but I thought it might set a precedent if I kept posting so regularly. Yesterday was a good day, I went back to work and then got to finish a fraction early for the long weekend!
I'm on pet patrol this weekend, as my sons have all scattered for the the night. All except the one who doesn't have any pets. So I have umpteen fish spread through approximately 6-8 tanks, 2 guinea pigs and a dog to care for. The dog is by far the cutest and most affectionate.
So on this very quiet long weekend, I've decided to do a little gardening and plant a few seedlings. I haven't done that yet as I'm pacing myself. However, I did get one of those push type mowers, put it together and even managed to adjust the blades without losing any fingers! It works beautifully, or at least I'm sure it would if my grass wasn't so dang long. It's been a little over 2 mths since the last time it was mowed and we've had a little rain recently to help it along. However, I will conquer the jungle one way or another before the weekend is out.
Seeing as it's most likely just me myself and I here tonight, I have a chick flick hired from the dvd store, some food for a nice dinner should I feel like cooking and if not, then I'll either go without (my appetite is not yet back after the bug I had) or wander off and find something deliciously appetising.
I must be getting old because I picked up some more yarn this afternoon while I was out ~ I have more scarves than I need, but the yarn just calls me. I can't even knit or crochet well and it's not like I have an abundance of patience to learn how to do bigger projects, like socks or a jumper. I like the smallish basic projects, so that's what I'll stick to for now.
Talking about yarn though, I was thinking after I'd bought it (pity it wasn't before) that I really need to knit my stash so to speak. I don't need more wool, I need to use what I have before acquiring more. The same with books. I need to read my stash. My guess is that I would have around a dozen books waiting to be read. Possibly more but I'm not willing to actually go and have a count up at the moment. So I also need to read my stash. You know, I have overflowing bookshelves with enough books on them that a friend regularly comes around to borrow from me rather than the library. It's true! I have some decluttering in mind for my bookshelves too.
Well that's probably enough of my waffling for today. I might go and plant these seedlings and play with the dog for a while. Thanks for reading.