Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
Feeling a bit lost tonight so figured that's a good enough reason to update my blog. I've had a busy week with work which is always good as it makes the time go faster. I had my holiday leave approved, so I can seriously start planning my time off and a little road trip I have in mind. Actually, it's pretty much planned but just have a few details to tweak.
I've finally decided to get my butt into gear with this de-cluttering thing. Tomorrow is the starting point. Well the new starting point, seeing as how I started a few weeks back but didn't keep it up. I'm aiming to spend a minimum of one hour each weekend on this task. If I do more, that's a bonus, but the bare minimum of time dedicated to the job is one hour. Wish me luck, I may need it! Oh and if I don't surface for a month or two, then probably best to send in a search party.
Only a short post this time as I don't seem to have much to say tonight.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, 23 May 2010
I do believe another weekend has just flown past ~ did anyone see it on it's way through? I'm quite convinced there are less hours in a weekend than there should be.
So what did I get up to this weekend? I had a long overdue massage on Saturday. I'd love to say it was relaxing, but alas, it was a tad bitey. I have to say I felt heaps better afterwards and yes, I ended up feeling very relaxed later on.
This morning I was up early and headed down the Gold Coast to meet up with my friend Emelisa. From there we went in the one car down over the border into NSW and onto Bangalow. Such a pretty little town! We had a wander around the little markets they host once a month, lots of beautiful stuff to be found there, so a very enjoyable morning and a great way to have a catch up.
One of these weekends I'm going to make a start on this decluttering thing. I think it'll be a shock to the system when I actually get to it ~ both for whomever is reading this blog as well
as me! It's just one of those horrid jobs, especially when it feels overwhelming and other people's stuff is in amongst it too. Ah well, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen!
I'm in the midst of planning a trip to see my parents, my niece and catch up with a few friends along the way as well. Now I've started planning it, I'm really looking forward to it.
Today's pic is of a lunar moth. I'd never heard of them until recently and I'm not even sure if they are found in Australia, but aren't they beautiful!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
I've had a strange week because I've been feeling quite tired all week. I've been ready for the weekend since Tuesday!! So I've decided it might be time to start planning my next little break from work. Just a week but enough to recharge the batteries.
I met up with a college friend last night and went to an old local hotel to watch a singer/songwriter/musician friend play. It was lovely to spend a night in good company listening to great music and nice to get a couple of Washie hugs too.
I'm looking forward to hearing him play again before he heads back to the US for 6 mths. If you're interested in taking a peek at what he does, his website is
Just a short post today, maybe I'll have more to add later. Today's pic is of Washuntara.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Well it's been a few days longer than I thought it would be. My much loved father in law would have been 90 on the 13th if he were still with us. He was a very special man and one who has been sorely missed.
Today has been a special day here in Australia. It's been 210 days since 16 yr old Jessica Watson left our shores to sail solo and unassisted around the world. Today she accomplished her dream and arrived back to what she termed as an overwhelming welcome back. There was a huge flotilla of boats on the water and thousands of people who came to see her sail back into Sydney Harbour and dock at the Opera House. Being in a different state, I an armchair viewer of all the action. What an inspiring young woman she is!
One of the things she said really got to me here is a snippet of what she said about her achievement.
For Watson, it's not about accolades but personal fulfilment. "I am still just Jess," she said yesterday.
"That's really important to me because I am. I am completely ordinary. That's the thing. I just put a lot of effort in, had a great team around me and I think that goes to show you don't have to be anyone special to achieve something big. You just have to want it."
You don't have to be anyone special to achieve something big.Quite profound in a simplistic way really. Makes me think about my life and the many things I've wanted to do and achieve. Yes I've done a few, but gee, there are still a couple of big dreams there that I've had on hold for a while. Why are they on hold? Good question and perhaps time I started to really look at them and do something about it, rather than just thinking!
That's it from me for now and today's pics will be a small collection of young Jessica Watson.Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Happy birthday to my lovely Mum who is celebrating her 79th birthday today! I hope you have a wonderful day Mum and glad my little package arrived on time.
We had a busy but good weekend. On Saturday I took Bob to get a massage for his birthday, we then had some thai food for lunch, before heading off to the city to see the musical Dumped which was hilarious, and then went out for dinner in the evening!
Sunday was Mother's Day and we were up early and off to the markets. Came back home for some breakfast and a lazy morning. I received text messages from my youngest son, plus my second son and his wife, and my adopted daughter. My eldest son came around early afternoon to take me out for lunch ~delicious! All of this was topped off by a family dinner, so a lovely day!
Not much else happening in other news at the moment, so this is it for today's post!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Happy birthday Bob! I hope you have a fantastic day and I wish for you a year that is
filled with many joys.
So apart from making happy birthday wishes, what have I been up to? Nothing majorly exciting in the last day or two. I had a quiet but good day at work yesterday and today will mostly be a non contact day with clients, but a full on day with staff meeting and later supervision.
I've seriously been thinking about counting up my stash ~ as in counting up the books I have waiting to be read. I'm worried there may be more than I think. My guess at the moment is there is around a dozen books waiting to be read. Might be interesting to see just how many there really is.
Anyways, that's about all for today, although I may come back later and add to this as it's only 8am, so the day is early.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Here we are near the end of a long weekend and I can't say I've achieved a whole lot this weekend, however, I have enjoyed a very quiet relaxing weekend. I've done a little gardening, a little washing, a little baking, a few chores and watched a few dvd's.
Plenty of other things I thought about doing, but didn't get to them ~ they will wait for another day. I thought seriously about doing some more decluttering but the enthusiasm factor wasn't quite high enough, so that too will wait. I did consider where I was going to start next though and have it narrowed down to a choice of 3 places!
Seeing as my three previous posts have been of mammoth length, today I'll leave this one as a 'shorty'. My pic is of today's effort in the kitchen, some banana choc chip muffins. They were scrumptious too by the way.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Saturday, 1 May 2010
I did think about posting yesterday, but I thought it might set a precedent if I kept posting so regularly. Yesterday was a good day, I went back to work and then got to finish a fraction early for the long weekend!
I'm on pet patrol this weekend, as my sons have all scattered for the the night. All except the one who doesn't have any pets. So I have umpteen fish spread through approximately 6-8 tanks, 2 guinea pigs and a dog to care for. The dog is by far the cutest and most affectionate.
So on this very quiet long weekend, I've decided to do a little gardening and plant a few seedlings. I haven't done that yet as I'm pacing myself. However, I did get one of those push type mowers, put it together and even managed to adjust the blades without losing any fingers! It works beautifully, or at least I'm sure it would if my grass wasn't so dang long. It's been a little over 2 mths since the last time it was mowed and we've had a little rain recently to help it along. However, I will conquer the jungle one way or another before the weekend is out.
Seeing as it's most likely just me myself and I here tonight, I have a chick flick hired from the dvd store, some food for a nice dinner should I feel like cooking and if not, then I'll either go without (my appetite is not yet back after the bug I had) or wander off and find something deliciously appetising.
I must be getting old because I picked up some more yarn this afternoon while I was out ~ I have more scarves than I need, but the yarn just calls me. I can't even knit or crochet well and it's not like I have an abundance of patience to learn how to do bigger projects, like socks or a jumper. I like the smallish basic projects, so that's what I'll stick to for now.
Talking about yarn though, I was thinking after I'd bought it (pity it wasn't before) that I really need to knit my stash so to speak. I don't need more wool, I need to use what I have before acquiring more. The same with books. I need to read my stash. My guess is that I would have around a dozen books waiting to be read. Possibly more but I'm not willing to actually go and have a count up at the moment. So I also need to read my stash. You know, I have overflowing bookshelves with enough books on them that a friend regularly comes around to borrow from me rather than the library. It's true! I have some decluttering in mind for my bookshelves too.
Well that's probably enough of my waffling for today. I might go and plant these seedlings and play with the dog for a while. Thanks for reading.