Well it's been a few days longer than I thought it would be. My much loved father in law would have been 90 on the 13th if he were still with us. He was a very special man and one who has been sorely missed.
Today has been a special day here in Australia. It's been 210 days since 16 yr old Jessica Watson left our shores to sail solo and unassisted around the world. Today she accomplished her dream and arrived back to what she termed as an overwhelming welcome back. There was a huge flotilla of boats on the water and thousands of people who came to see her sail back into Sydney Harbour and dock at the Opera House. Being in a different state, I an armchair viewer of all the action. What an inspiring young woman she is!
One of the things she said really got to me here is a snippet of what she said about her achievement.
For Watson, it's not about accolades but personal fulfilment. "I am still just Jess," she said yesterday.
"That's really important to me because I am. I am completely ordinary. That's the thing. I just put a lot of effort in, had a great team around me and I think that goes to show you don't have to be anyone special to achieve something big. You just have to want it."
You don't have to be anyone special to achieve something big.Quite profound in a simplistic way really. Makes me think about my life and the many things I've wanted to do and achieve. Yes I've done a few, but gee, there are still a couple of big dreams there that I've had on hold for a while. Why are they on hold? Good question and perhaps time I started to really look at them and do something about it, rather than just thinking!
That's it from me for now and today's pics will be a small collection of young Jessica Watson.
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