What a fantastic weekend! I'll include Thursday even though it was before the weekend because it was the lead in. I caught up with my old school friends again for coffee which was a lot of fun and we're planning to try and make this a little more of a regular thing, so our next catch up is in two weeks.
Friday night saw me joining my former neighbours out in their cul-de-sac for a catch up. Lots of laughter, chat and fun, followed by pizza around the fire and more laughter chat and fun.
Saturday I started the day with some baking to use up some ripe banana's. We now have a banana cake and some banana/choc chip muffins. I had a long chat on the phone with Mum, got a little shopping done, had an afternoon nap, read John Grisham's new book from cover to cover and then went out to the movies with my friend Kath. We arrived a little early and as neither of us had eaten, we decided to stop in and try the sushi train. Yummo! After the movies it was a cuppa and dessert from fasta pasta where they do the best passionfruit gelato dipped in chocolate.
Sunday was a very productive day. I cleared out another corner of my room that has been bugging me, then tackled the big job of the day which was cleaning out and defrosting the upright freezer. Hmm, well that was bit of a drama. I'd been given the bright idea some time ago of using the hose to help get rid of the ice. The freezer is awkward to move, so I thought I might be able to do it at the back door if I lined it all up correctly. Wrong! I managed to flood all the tile floor. Oops! Over a dozen towels later, I had that mopped up. So I managed to get the freezer outside, broke a wheel, another oops before doing the hose out thing which worked wonderfully. Of course, then I remembered we had a trolley which would have made moving the freezer so much easier, so I used that to get it back inside. I've also managed to somehow get it off balance a little, I think there is a little foot at the bottom that needs adjusting but I can't get to it properly so will need some help with that one.
I decided to do some cooking and made some chilli, an indian curry and some little meatballs in gravy. All delicious. And I managed to fit in another nap, just a short one this time though.
This morning I've been up early and cleared off another little space in my room, on top of the little book case. It's getting there, only two more places to go and I'm done in here. Might even get that done one night.
Not sure what today's pic is... maybe another bad pic of me (I cant take self portraits for nuts!) with the curly hair version of my new hair cut.