Wow the week has flown by since I last posted. Saturday I did as promised and while I didn't start on the garage (because a son was busy doing some mechanic-ing in there, I did clear out one of the bookcases. I know have a large box of books to donate or give away and the books remaining fit neatly on the bookcase. I also counted up my stash of unread books and they number at 17! Cripes, I sure have some reading ahead of me.
Sunday was an awful day, one of the worst I've had for a while. Plenty of emotional stuff going on and lots and lots of tears. Think I cried a river of tears.
Thankfully since then, things have settled and I've had a busy, but productive and 'feel good' type of week at work. That always helps immensely.
I had my first decent haircut in years yesterday and it feels so much lighter. The hairdresser straightened it all to cut it (as it is crazy curly most of the time) and this morning I've washed it, so waiting to see what the curlies do now.
I went to watch my friend Washuntara sing again last night, after my haircut. My friend and I walked into a crowded room and I have to say I got a surprise when Wash stopped what he was doing to say (into the mic and all), wow Marika, your hair looks so hot tonight! I was a tad gobsmacked but it was also one of those feel good moments too.
Wash played the piano last night, it's the first time I've heard him and boy oh boy can he play the piano. I've always loved listening to someone play the piano and last night was no exception. It was fantastic! Can't wait to hear him at it again.
Today's pic is a rather bad pic of me, with the bed hair version of my straightened new do. It looked heaps better last night but this pic is just to give an idea of the change. Although the curly variety will be different again.
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