Ok, so I fell off the wagon today. In a fairly big way. Sigh. Today was a massive fatigue day and I had a case of the couldn't be bothered's which is never a good thing, especially if it coincides with a fall off the wagon day.
I ate terribly, things that I know don't make me feel good afterwards. Ok at the time, but not a little later. And I drank soft drink. And made a mars bar slice because I craved something sweet, which doesn't happen often thankfully as I prefer savoury rather than sweet things.
The fatigue today was full on. I was feeling the effects of it within a couple of hours of getting up this morning. My littlest granddaughter slept overnight and we didn't have a hugely late night and she slept til 7am, however, I was awake around 5am... as you do on a Sunday morning!
I went to drop her off and ended up taking her and her daddy off to get some groceries, so got home late morning. I had a go at making a risotto in the rice cooker (my first attempt at a risotto) which was rather nice and then flaked. Slept a couple of hours and then struggled to get moving all afternoon. I really felt the heat today too, although I don't know that it was hugely hot, but that was what woke me.
Anyways, that's my whinge for the day. All self inflicted (except the fatigue, I'm not sure that one is self inflicted) and thankfully, tomorrow is another day.
The good part is I'm generally feeling much better than I was even a few weeks ago. My weight is the same and still fluctuating in the same way, however, the feeling very unwell and the symptoms from my bp medication have eased and the last particularly challenging day I had was about 10 days ago.
I've had two dodgy days since then, today's fatigue being one of them, but nothing like I was feeling before. I strongly believe the yoga nidra is helping me and although I've not done it over the weekend, I'm hanging to do it in the morning.
The fun part of my weekend has been enjoying time with my grandbabies. As mentioned yesterday, I had the boys yesterday afternoon and brought Miss Charlie home for a sleep over. She is such a delight. Just 2 yrs old and loves her hair being brushed. She doesn't talk much but she sure knows how to let you know what she wants. She will pick up the hairbrush, bring it over and hand it to me, then turns around with her back to me waiting.
I had great plans for this afternoon and had hoped to do some painting as well as program planning for my retreats. But I was so dang tired that I slept. A lot! Hopefully that won't impact on my sleep tonight.
Anyways, given I'm yawning pretty well now, I'm going to head off to bed. Thankfully tomorrow is a new day and it's the start of a fresh week for me to climb back onto that wagon again.
Wishing you a week full of awesome!
PS.. had an email today saying my dear friend Washuntara will be arriving back in Australia next weekend. Will be nice to catch up with him again.
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