Oh my gosh, all of a sudden Friday is here! This week has been incredibly busy and has absolutely flown.
Today is kind of exciting though. It will also be a bit crazy busy but I'm running my first retreat this weekend and it starts this afternoon. Well people start arriving this afternoon and we should all be there by 9.30pm tonight.
An huge amount of planning has gone into the weekend, so I hope it all goes well from the littlest things right up to the big things.
This morning I'm also attending a business breakfast run by our local council at 6.45 am! Why not take the opportunity when I have the day off I thought.. I knew this week would be busy, but the last couple of days made me realise perhaps this wasn't the best plan to attend an early morning meeting today as it's added a little stress knowing I wouldn't have the morning to do much of the last minute stuff.
It is a learning curve for the next one. Note to self - Ensure you have a quiet-ish weekend prior and not have too much outside of work going on in the week prior. I've had two busy weekends leading up and a dinner on Wed night, plus just a really full work week in my day job. So lesson learnt!
All good though really as I seem to work reasonably well under pressure and it all gets done one way or another. I slept like a log last night, although nowhere near as much sleep as I probably should have had (given I was awake at 2.30 am yesterday after a really poor sleep) but I slept solidly from around 11.30 pm til 4.30 am this morning and have got up to finish off a few things.
I haven't yet packed my gear (as in clothes etc) or the art supplies, but not feeling too stressed about them as neither should take long.
I will also be checking out some accommodation this morning after the meeting for another retreat I'm planning in October. This accommodation is not far from where I live, so I'm hoping it will be in line with what I'm looking for. Fingers crossed!
Well I best get moving. I'll post again after the retreat! Have a great weekend :).
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