Happy New Year! There's always something a little exciting about a new year I find.. that feeling of freshness and new beginnings.
I admit there have been times when I've had to squash the thought of it just being another day yet on the other hand, have been quite disturbed at the speed the last year has just passed. How is it that they seem to go faster and faster?
So those little negative thoughts aside and back in their box, it's time to enjoy the freshness of a new year. I always have a little fun planning what I'd like to do with this year and then looking back at what I've achieved over the last year.
I also have a tin that I write down the things that made me smile or feel happy during the year and I love reading back through them at New Year. Some things I remember and other things I'd forgotten until re-reading. Either way, they bring joy again just thinking about them. Alas, I left my tin back in Brisbane when I moved to Townsville, so I need to do a retrieval when I go back later this month.
Plans for this year are coming along nicely! I have a friend who puts out a great book for planning your year which makes it even more fun. I will get the link sometime soon and include it.
My New Year's Eve was particularly quiet this year. I worked and then went out to dinner with a friend. Unfortunately I've was having some problems with my back and was in considerable pain by the time dinner was done, so I headed off home to bed. I woke a little before midnight though and was able to see the fireworks from my room. How lucky is that!!
New Year's Day has been spent at work, doing a little forward planning here too. It's been quiet as far as clients are concerned though.
I've booked in to do a 6 week art course starting mid - Feb, so am excited about that. Hmm another link I'll have to find a way to include.
Perhaps that can be on my to do list too... become more tech savvy!
I have plans to head up to Cairns for the weekend, so will be nice to have a little time away with friends.
Well that's it from me for now. I hope you have an awesomely fabulous day and I wish you all the very best for a fantastic 2015.
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