Little Miss Tiara woke bright and early at 6am. Not bad for a little girl who didn't flake until 10.30pm the night before. She is such a cutie patootie though and so easy to be around. She went home with Mum & Dad at around 10am.
We decided to head off and do a test run of the car rally I've worked out. I'm glad we did as I needed to tweak it a little and I found a couple of small errors. Well one could have been a big one because I had the wrong numbered exit of the motorway! Oops.. I'd counted them correctly from where we'd got on, but the number of the exit didn't match up with how many there was before they got off. Ah well, all sorted now and ready to go for Wednesday.
We picked up some Yatala pies on the way home for dinner and the boys greatly appreciated that! That's about it for now. Today's pic is a slightly blurred roadside variety, taken as we wound our way down the mountain.
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