Back to work today! Loraine has been babysitting Miss Molly and brought her in today. She is wayyyyy too cute. Such a gorgeous little bundle of affection and love.
Mum gets to fly home tomorrow. Her specialist will be in Tamworth next week, so she'll see him on Tues & Thurs. Apparently all is going reasonably well ~ slowly but surely.
It's been raining still, the pool is overflowing and we have a little inside rain damage as well. The garage flooded and keeps flooding with each heavy downpour, so we are going to have to sort through the stuff that has been wet this weekend. We also had a large dinner plate size bubble appear on the hallways wall where water seeped in between the wall and the paint. And in the lounge room, we had water leaking around the timber part of sliding door frame. So repairers will be out to take a look when the rain stops.
I've finally finished another unit to my TAFE course, now only have two left. I wonder how realistic it is to think I may have a chance of completing them within a week? I've emailed to find out my exact finish date, if I'm lucky, it may be a little later than I think it is.
Today's pic is of some delicious ice cream! Talk about heaven in a bucket.
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