Heavens to Betsy! Two posts in a row!! :)
I've just made some scones for the first time in a long while - oh my gosh, they are delicious!! Served warm, with a little blackberry jam and some whipped cream.... scrumptious!!
A dear friend has just lost her mother and has been doing lots of reminiscing. The question has been asked, 'what naughty things did you get up to as a kid?' This simple little question has opened the floodgates on some memories.
Like 'accidentally' hosing people as they walked past the front gate. The grocer from across the road used to bring Mum's groceries over once a week and I'm told he used to keep a spare set of clothes at his shop at one stage.
When superglue first came out, we (siblings and I) super glued coins to the top of our gate and on the sidewalk to see how many people would try to pick them up.
There was a phone box outside our neighbour's house - making prank calls. Asking for Susie Wall, nope, John Wall, nope, Brian Wall, nope, any walls at all there? nope, then you better look out, your roof might cave in!
Picking people randomly from the phone book again, calling them and telling them it was the local radio station on behalf of Henny Penny chicken. There was a competition going and if they could cluck x amount of times in one minute, then they would win a free bbq chicken. Boy did we get into some trouble over that one! I'm told it made the local paper - oops!
My brother offering guests foaming sugar for their tea/coffee.
Around fire cracker time in the days when you were allowed to buy fire crackers, there used to be these little tiny sand filled ones called Tom Thumbs or throw downs. Not much bigger than the size of a pea and perfect for lobbing at the heels of unsuspecting pedestrians walking past the front yard.
The wooden spoon was the preferred method of punishment in our house and was kept in a drawer under the stove top. When Mum went into the shower, if the opportunity was there, we would take the wooden spoon, run up the back yard and hoik it over the back fence. Some years later my father put a back gate in, as our place backed onto a laneway.. he says he found a heap of wooden spoons!
When I was little tiny and just walking, my mother was on the phone and apparently I got into the fridge. She was waving at me to get out and I was waving back while I pulled a dozen eggs out and onto the floor.
Encouraging my little sister to pick up a bee.
I'm sure there are lots more, so I'll come back to add no doubt. Today's pic is of an icy willow tree taken between Rylstone and Mudgee last week.
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