Well another week has flown right by. Another week that has held some challenges, however, I have to believe that these are also the times that teach us resilience and remind us to have hope.
This week I have made or met a new online friend and I am thoroughly enjoying our email conversations. Isn't timing a wonderful thing? Serendipity or synchronicity or whatever you like to call it ~ the saying that people come into our lives for a reason comes to mind. Whatever the reason, I'm grateful for the smiles that new friend has given me this week.
Once again, I had the pleasure this week of listening to my friend Washuntara's beautiful music and a couple of new song's that have just been written. They always provide a mid-week lift. Only another 5-6 weeks of performances here before he gets ready to head off again, so again, I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to enjoy his music live.
I was thinking of doing some painting this weekend as I haven't done any for a while, but haven't got there yet. Although the day is still young so who knows? I may do some after all. I was planning to go into the city today to see an exhibition but it has rained over night and it still overcast now, so I'm kind of leaning towards a home day.
My friend Kath came over last night and we enjoyed dinner before settling in to watch the movie Mama Mia. I never seem to tire of that movie and I always enjoy the music.
I haven't done any decluttering for a little while, I've noticed places I want to get into, just haven't got there yet. Perhaps I should go back to setting a time or a corner to work on. Ah well, it won't happen overnight but it WILL happen.
I planted a few more seedlings yesterday so looking forward to seeing them bloom in the springtime.
I'm considering getting a kitten. For some obscure reason I seem to be really really drawn to this idea, yet it's not a logical or sensible one for me for a couple of reasons - one being that I'm allergic to them, so I would have to make sure I always have anti histamines on hand, plus it would have to mostly be an outdoor pet, and two being that I plan to move house in about 6 mths time, so it's always a question of whether pets are allowed. I've been thinking about this idea for some weeks now and had bit of a look yesterday for kittens but didn't find any, so obviously the time isn't right just yet if I am to have one.
In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my son's baby budgie while he is away, noisy messy little critter that it is. It is awfully cute though, so that makes up for the noise and mess.
Well that's probably enough from me for now. I may come back and post more this evening. Today's pic is a slightly blurry image of a beautiful gerbera I got at last week's farmers markets.
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