Saturday, May 3, 2014

I was having a quick re-read through some of my posts and noticed I waffle on an awful lot about how fast time flies, so I'm going to make a conscious effort not to do that anywhere near as much.  I was going to say not at all and then thought, perhaps that's not realistic as we do sometimes comment on things in passing.  For me though, it's no longer going to be every post or every other post!

This week has been an interesting week and has been bit of a roller coaster in some ways.  Hearing of a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer was not a high point and as always with anything like that, it reminds you of your own mortality and reminds me I have so much to be thankful for regardless of whatever else I have going on in my life.

I am truly blessed to have so many loved ones in my life, to have a job that fulfills me and supports me, to live in an area I like where I'm close to the sea and not too far from the mountains, that I have the capacity to get away and take a break somewhere from time to time - yes I have to save up for it but I'm fortunate I can do so, that despite being overweight, I'm also reasonably healthy and that I have dreams I can pursue.  Admittedly some are bigger than others and some are more achievable than others, but that's all ok.. the fact I have hopes and dreams is a wonderful thing.

So this weekend I plan to spend less time on the computer.  I know there are things I want to do on here and follow up, especially in relation to my retreats, however, I also need the down time so I have some loose plans in place to do some gardening, spend time weeding and planting flowers herbs and veggies - not heaps, just a few.. enough for me to enjoy, make a curry, do some baking and maybe even pull out my paints.  There will of course be at least a little time spent near the water.  

I may even make a plan of where to start with some de-cluttering I've been wanting to do.  Or just start without the plan.  I'm a list person though which can be a good thing and a pesky thing at times.  I prefer to think of it as a good thing that sometimes needs a little relaxing now and then.

During the week I spent some time at another favourite place near the water. I have a few favourite places and was able to spend a little time in reflection. I know I need to make some more little changes in my life, so I'm going to start taking some baby steps towards those changes.

Today's pic was taken in Queenstown, New Zealand around 18 months ago. Have I mentioned lately how much I'm looking forward to returning to NZ later this year?  I love the place!  Enjoy your day :)

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