Monday, May 5, 2014

The weather here in Brisbane has finally realised it's autumn and over the weekend, we had quite a cool snap.  I love the cooler weather but I have to admit, it was a sudden change.  One night I was sleeping with the fan on and two nights later, I'd dragged out a blanket and was sleeping with winter jammies.

The weather was a little cooler due to some strong cold winds, however, the wind had dropped today and it was absolutely glorious.  I went for a walk during my lunch break, it was cool but not cold, the sun was shining and it was way too nice to not be outside for at least some part of the day to enjoy.

I made the most of the cool change over the weekend and got in to do some gardening.  I really struggle with the heat and tend to hibernate a bit.  You know, the old theory if you don't move too much you can't get any hotter.  So it was blissful to be able to get outside and enjoy getting my hands dirty in the garden.  I did some weeding, pruning, put up some mesh, and planted some seedlings.  I spread it out over the two days and found a few muscles I'd forgotten about!  

Sunday I didn't actually leave my place at all but boy was I productive.  Along with the gardening and a couple of chores, I also made a couple of curries, baked some date scones and made my grandson's favourite biscuits.  I just have to drop them off now one afternoon on my way home from work.  He's very excited!

I managed to clean out a couple of kitchen cupboards.  I hadn't actually intended to do that, but went looking for something in particular and one thing led to another.  Before I knew it, 3 cupboards had been done along with a shelf in the pantry.  I mentioned the idea of de-cluttering bit by bit only recently.. and now I've started unintentionally.  How cool is that! Some down and plenty more to go, but feeling good about where I've started too.

Well that's about it from me for today.  Oh, I weighed myself this morning and after feeling really disheartened about a weight gain of a couple of kg's last week, I'm back to the starting point again this week.  These weight fluctuations drive me nuts. 

The other thing that makes it a little trickier with this cooler weather that I love, is the days are getting shorter.  I noticed most days last week that it was dark by the time I got home from work.  So I'm thinking perhaps I need to do a lunch time walk on my break from work and see how that goes.

Well that's it from me today.  I hope you have an awesome week.  

Today's pic is one I took in NZ 18 mths ago of the Moeraki Boulders.

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