Friday, January 31, 2014

Another post that is a smidgeon late!  Yesterday was a rather full day and I was feeling exhausted so had an early night.  The early night was helped along by no internet connection, so all quite convenient really.

I've missed my yoga the last two mornings, so planning to be up and at it again this morning.  As in later this morning, not at 1.42am as it is now!

I did a couple of family drop in's on my way home from work.  My eldest son's wife loves lychees and I had a bag of them from a co-worker, so she was pretty happy with her gift.  My eldest grandson started school earlier this week and has been having an afternoon nap every day as soon as he gets home, then still going to bed without issues.  He's loving school though so far and is quite excited he's made some new friends.  He looks too little for school in his school uniform.  

I dropped in then to see my 3rd son who looked almost ready for bed at 7pm! Seems like he's been having some very long work days and they are catching up.  He spent some time at the beach last weekend with a pair of flippers and had a blast.  I will hopefully get to spend some time with his little girl this weekend, who is 2 yrs old and absolutely adorable.

I bought a CD that a friend recommended tonight, Lady Antebellum (not sure of the spelling but I think that's pretty close).  Do you know it?  They seem to have a nice sound.

Well my weight is stubbornly not shifting, although it's remaining steady or doing its usual 1kg fluctuation either way.  So frustrating!  And my body is reacting more to different foods, either that or I'm just picking it up more.  So that's been a little challenging to try and navigate.  It seems my bod prefers just good old plain meat and veg.. and not much else.  It's not too keen on wheat products or things with nuts or garlic or capsicum or onion.  Sometimes I can tolerate very small amounts, other times I pay for the effort. Ah well, such is life eh?  

I'm getting excited about my quick trip to NZ, although there is plenty to do in a short space of time.  I have a few appointments lined up now, so I don't think I will have the opportunity to do a test run on one of the sightseeing activities like I was hoping to do.   

Well, given the wee small hour of the morning, I'm going to head back off to bed now.  Enjoy your day/evening.

Today's pic was taken a couple of years ago and is of a rather cheeky possum that used to reside in my son's garage for a while.

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