Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello dear reader!  

Or is that being overly ambitious and somewhat presumptuous to think there may be readers out there?  That is readers other than myself when proof reading and going back in to adjust the time for each post to whatever time it is in my neck of the woods when I post.  

Today I was very excited to be going back onto the BP meds I was taking before all the shenanigans started.  While they may not get it quite down to the levels my GP wants at this stage, I'm very over the side effects and the not feeling good that I've been experiencing over the last 6 weeks or so.

I have to admit I had very high expectations today.  Probably too high.  I was expecting to feel normal.  With loads of energy.  And hoping I wouldn't need time for the last lot of meds to get out of my system and for my body to adapt to yet another change - the 4th change in 6 weeks to be precise.  

Sadly, I was somewhat disappointed.  While the worst of the side effects were gone (a big yayyy!), I was extremely tired.  For no good reason.  Well not to my way of thinking.  Yes it was hot and yes I'm hormonal.  But jeez, c'mon... I've been crazy tired on and off for the last 6 weeks or so!!  Today was meant to be full of beans day, jumping out of my skin with energy day.  

Ah well.. a reminder about that whole patience thing and the need for baby steps.  Give my body time to do it's thing.  Sigh.. patience is not always my strong point.

So the upside.. did I mention I got to restart my former meds and I'm excited about that?  Oh yeah.. that's what I've been yapping about for the last few paragraphs.  That would be the excitement thing talking there.  

The other upside, I clearly had a smidgeon more energy because I managed to pace myself and do some chores around the house.  Riveting stuff!  Oh and I napped.  I had a great nap.. a couple of hours type of nap.  The kind of nap where you still feel a little tired afterwards, but that's ok because it means you should still sleep ok tonight type of nap. 

And while I was doing these chores, I finally got around to doing the one that's been on my list since before Christmas.  Clean out Ivan's tank.  Poor Ivan (goldfish) has been swimming around in grotty water, not to mention the slowly diminishing water level.  He was spending much of his time sleeping in the corner of the tank.  

You should see that crazy little critter now!  He is so excited.. he's been swimming laps of his tank ever since I cleaned it and changed the water.  In and out between the plants, upside down, almost inside out, through the bubbles from the filter.. he hasn't stopped!  Definitely my good deed for the day.

Hmm what other exciting stuff has been happening?  I had some more contact with the lodge I'm hoping to use for my NZ retreat and it appears there is still accommodation available for the time frame I'm after, so I have nailed down a meeting with them when I'm over.  I'm so looking forward to going back over, it's so beautiful and peaceful there.  Anyways, that's my ramble for today.  I'll find a pic and be back tomorrow :).

PS.. I didn't do my yoga nidra today.  I will tomorrow though.  Promise!

Today's pic (not one I snapped) is of the Moeraki Boulders at sunrise, just north of Dunedin in the South Island of New Zealand.  I took some pics when I was there, not quite as stunning as this one though as I was there during the middle of the day. 


  1. Hello, lovely Rikki. I recently went back on my BP meds after about a 6 year break. I kind of didn't want to admit I needed to go back on them, but it sure beats having a massive stroke! ;-)

    1. Yes you are so right about that! I went onto BP meds when my BP got up to stroke level. Very scary stuff although at the time, I didn't realise how high it was. I was getting headaches daily by that stage too. You realise very quickly how dangerously high it is when your GP almost chokes as he's taking your BP. I hope your meds are working well for you. Thank you for sharing with me and reminding me of what I'm aiming to avoid by taking them. :)
