Oops, I'm a little late with my blog post today. I was wiped last night and although I opened it up to type, I was struggling to get my thoughts together and stay awake long enough to write, so I decided to go to bed and write in the morning instead.
So now is in the morning! It's 6.20am, I've done my yoga nidra and am feeling ready for the day. Albeit still a teeny weeny bit tired but a couple of late nights will do that to a person.
Yesterday was pretty full on at work. As I mentioned in an earlier post (I think), it's been like incident central for my team lately and yesterday was no different. Makes it hard to get other work completed when your day needs to focus around managing incidents and safety planning. Keeps you on your toes though and makes the day go faster. Plus it's always interesting.
I've received a couple of replies back from the emails I sent to NZ about my retreat, so that's been encouraging. I will have to start looking at what the costings are going to be so I can start putting some feelers out there for the retreat.
Tonight is date night with my gorgeous granddaughter, so I'm looking forward to that. Well I best be moving along and getting ready for this thing called work. I hope your day is full of awesome.
Today's pic was taken a few years back in Hobart and is of some delicious Tasmanian oysters.. made kilpatrick by yours truly. They were mouth wateringly delicious!
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