Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dear Reader

Mondays!  How is it that they come around so quickly??  Perhaps it's because I had such a great weekend.  The simple pleasures we enjoy in life, can surely be the big things I find.  

I was back in the groove this morning and did my yoga nidra first thing.  I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again.. I love the way I feel afterwards and it keeps me going for the day.  I seem to have more energy and have a lighter step so to speak.  

The CD I use is one put out by Dr Gillian Ross.  She has a few different CD's with meditations or yoga nidra on them and the one I'm using is the first track on her Relaxation CD.

Today I did the public transport thing both to and from work, which entailed a total of two bus rides, four train rides and three 5-10 min walks.  If you're wondering how does three work because I it doesn't make sense to have 1.5 walks each way, it's because I got off the bus one stop early this afternoon and walked from there home so did two walks this afternoon.  I enjoyed the fresh air, although it was a little warm.  Thankfully I wasn't doing it in the middle of the day when it was very hot.

I tried another protein bar today, but had also had a fruit smoothie an hour or two earlier which is not something I normally have.  I ended up with the most godawful stomach pains that hung around for a couple of hours, but I'm not sure what was the culprit.  I'm going to try the smoothie again tomorrow, but leave the protein bar and then do the opposite on Wednesday if I'm still not sure.  My guess is the protein bar as it was a different flavour to the one I tried yesterday and I think there were more nuts in today's one.  

I meant to mention something else over the weekend and that's some calendar reminders on a workbook and calendar a friend of mine puts out.  It's called the 2014 Create Your Amazing Year .. Life Edition Workbook and Planner.  Anyways, on the calendar for Saturday, it already had written... connect with a friend.  I realised later, that's exactly what happened!  Only I connected with friends.. plural.  

The meeting was planned at the instigation of one friend who has been very ill and she asked me to do the planning.  It was heaps of fun but I've already mentioned it in Saturday's post so won't go into it again. However, I just wanted to mention the serendipity type thing of realising the 'connect with a friend' thing that was already on the calendar and I didn't notice it until afterwards.  Ok.. so I know that's probably goofy, but it gave me a smile.

The other thing I came across online that made me laugh was finding a course called Write Your Damn Book by Paul Jarvis.  It has a series of lessons (I've only done the first so far) and as you complete each lesson, you send for the next one.  I'm unsure how long it will take, but I'll keep you posted.

I have also realised that when I'm catching the train, I need to make sure I have a book that will keep me interested or one that I'm not going to get through all on the same day!  Today I read Prosperity Pie by SARK and found some good ideas to follow up on. 

Well I'm going to call it a night here.  I hope you've also had an awesome day.  

Today's pic is one I took a few years back one morning as the sun was coming up.  I love the way the clouds are reflected in the water.  This used to be my 'back yard'. 

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