Sunday, January 5, 2014

Yikes, it sure has been a scorcher today.  Very hot, humid and unpleasant.  Another day of yoga nidra but found it a little hard to stay focused today for some reason.  I also managed another day of the cider vinegar, but not the pomegranate juice.

Despite plans for lots of activity and catching up, due to the heat it was a fairly quiet day.  One where you didn't want to move too much for fear you'd get too hot once you moved from the cooler spot you'd found to hang out in.

However, all was not lost!  Today I applied for my ABN (Aust Business Number) and registered my business.  No more procrastination.. the ball is definite rolling!  I've also renamed my Rikki's Creations and Castings facebook page to Rikki's Art & Soul which will be my business name and will be the umbrella for a variety of things that are all kind of interconnected in some way.  So that was this mornings effort, along with a quick trip to the post office.

This afternoon was spent watching the movie Patch Adams, while trying to stay still and cool.  What a great movie!  I really enjoyed it.  There should be more doctors and health facilities like that.  Can you imagine the difference it would make if the work Patch Adams was doing was the norm?

I came across the 5 Reiki Principles yesterday, so thought I'd share them here.

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