Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello again!  Oh my goshes, I can't wait til this heat breaks a bit.  I have friends in America and Canada who are struggling with a severe winter and here we have the other end of the stick with a crazy hot summer.

A little bit of excitement today with the news my car was repaired and ready to go, so I was able to collect it this afternoon.  There is still a part missing, but that needs to be shipped from Japan so they will call me when it's in and I will just have to go over to have it fitted, but it's not a major thing so all good.

I have somehow deleted or hidden the original grief and loss questionnaire I'd put together, so I'm currently working on a new and updated version. Hopefully I will have it ready to send out tomorrow night.. only a night later than anticipated.  The response I've got has been wonderful and will no doubt be helpful.  

This evening has been spent in the company of my two former school mates over dinner at a local coffee shop.  Lots of fun, laughter and silliness to be had as always!  Sometimes you would think we were back in highschool.  

I'm feeling very frustrated with the weight issue tonight.  I'm being very careful, have been getting more exercise than usual and nothing is happening. I've not come off wheat or gluten yet and I'm wondering if that's hindering things.  I know it appears to be causing some other digestive type issues for me, so I'm going to try and have a completely gluten free day tomorrow and see what kind of a difference that makes.

My external supervisor was talking of traditional Chinese medicine yesterday and mentioned that eating or drinking cold foods is not always a good thing for our bodies and can affect our digestion.  I think I might do a little more research on that one as it sounds interesting.

I had to skimp on the yoga nidra again today, did half of it but didn't have time to do all of it.  I'm looking forward to a less rushed start in the morning, so it shouldn't be an issue to get it done.

Well it's late again, so this will be another short one.  Perhaps I need to be writing these much earlier in the evening!  Enjoy your day or evening.

Today's pic is of a small water colour I did a few years back.  It remains one of my favourites so I thought I'd share it with you tonight.

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